




It was evident by Marxist theorists that they agreed that the mass media had the ideological power which is used for the disagreement of the nature. These Marxist theorists tried to make distinction between the subject and the object of the situation. There are oft quoted discussions as to how individuals are a product of nature and they derive the subject based on cultures. In the case of Marxist ideology, individuals are considered to be bearers of the position which impact the effect of social relations of people. Media theorists try to explore about the political function of mass media texts as a factor which is about the pre-existing structure. Marxists media is about political functions of the pre-existingstructure.

In this structure, the people need to understand the Marxist theory is a popular ideology which is celebrated in masses. However, people have the capitalist system. There is the innate yearning for other systems. The irony of people in capitalistic society wondering about socialism policies has been detailed in this analysis. This was not experience by people which is detailed in this schema. Owing to this, there is discussion about nuances of Marxism. Again, this movie epitomizes “what if” question as to socialism in society. Other than the quintessential rebel is explored by people there were not any real theories which are embedded. They are given features of voyeurism in this movie.
