


In the case of developing and management of a brand image, the socio culture and the economic status of the people should be factored in. It has been found to create a brand image it is important to connect with the people in the communities. In this case the companies should develop a brand image that is cohesive to the individual cultures. Brand image and the perception of the functionality of consumer goods are depending on the socio cultural aspects of the individual regions. A study was conducted about the research about different countries. For this purpose, research data from 10 countries that comprised of research about 60 regions were conducted. The study results proved that the cultural power distance, cultural individualism prevailing in the societies and region specific socioeconomics affects the performance of the company’s brand. It had found to have an impact on the functional nature of the services offered. Even the aesthetically product packaging is made in cohorts with this agreement. When companies or businesses want to expand operations to other nations of the world they should be careful and weigh in the local culture of the place. Hence, before a business is launch the market segmentation, geographic segmentation and demographic segmentation of the people, their preferences, taste and buying power is factored by the retail companies before embarking on business ventures (Ashworth et al, 1993). It is only by understanding the markets can there be actual sales or positive brand image that can be developed. So when cruises events are prepared to cater to a very studied market, the socio cultural image of other tourist locations would go down. As the managed product is sold more, the real product will lose its value. Hence this research attempts to understand if the managed product (the cruise) is preferred by customer more than the real product.
Sapienza, et al, in the research article, ‘Does culture affect economic outcomes?’ was seen to also assess how culture has an impact on the economic outcome of businesses. Many economists have been apprehensive in the past and were reluctant to rely on the aspects of culture as an important determinant of economic and sales performances. It is because the idea of culture encompasses many notions. It is difficult to develop a testable hypothesis. There is a need to narrow down the cultural aspects to understand its relevance of the performance of the products in the markets (Timothy & Boyd, 2006). It has been found that the business who are successful in the overseas market adapt to the local culture and sentiments of the place. The economic disposable income of the people plays an important role in their purchasing power of the people (Malloy & Fennel, 1998). Owing to this it has been considered to be an ideal version. It has been said that the sustenance of a company is dependent on their ability to adapt to the local culture. For this there should be effective dialogue and communication with the people regarding their preferences and taste. It is imperative to have a proper research design that will cater to the requirements of the final consumers. The company should be willing to make changes in their organizational design and culture to be competent in the local markets. This ensures that the company gains competitive advantages (Novelli, 2005). If any business is so directly dependent on the individual culture of the place, then it can be said that the tourism business will be double connected. However, those businesses that rely heavily on selling the culture of the land would face consequences because of the situation of managed products such as the cruises. So in terms of research interview questions, where it is being queried as to why people might be motivated to choosing cruises, the questions will also revolve around if the people who cruise aware of the sociocultural and economic implications that staying in cruises would create.

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