


Retailing as observed in the last decade has grown mainly due to the part played by technological advances in retailing. E-retailing advancement or e-tailing as it is called has resulted in many choice alternatives for the consumer. Despite this, the future of the retail-scape is not just in the hands of the internet. “What the future holds for the retail-scape is a matter of speculation. Marketing strategy should be developments in a number of other realms beside the technological, including the legal/political environment, the behaviour of channel and consumer’s stakeholders, the economy and the competitive activity. Consolidation in the industry and competition for the value conscious consumer has led to an identity crises and redefinition for formats such as department stores and department outlets” (Balazs & Zinkhan, 2003, p. 96). In this context, it becomes critical to understand the main environmental factors that are shaping the UK retail market. This includes political, economic, social and technological factors as well.
Political and Economic Factors
In terms of political and economic factors, the Brexit in 2016 is something that promotes all companies to analyse their current standing in the industry and also simultaneously prepare for any threats that Brexit could put them into.

As seen above, British retailers with their headquarters in the United Kingdom and with maximum percentage shares within the UK like Sainsbury, Morrison and Ocado did not face much of a threat because of Brexit. While Sainsbury was worried about the early stages in financial market with respect to sourcing, as sourcing of products come from the EU, and the cash inflows and outflows are not affected. Sainsbury was reconsidering the business partnership that it shares with Dansk Supermarket, but once again any form of threat perceivable did not have an actual impact. Local economic factors and political factors are therefore non-threatening. The country itself had a history of steady employment rates, better inflation control, etc. which makes it a good environment to thrive. The United Kingdom, according to a research report even at the beginning of the recession of 2009, was observed to have a GDP value of 6 with 2.9 trillion spent in expenditure, indicating that the county has good economic support (Farrell, 2014). Therefore, supermarket retailing does not suffer from political-economic issues.

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