


Grant, P. R. and Grant, B. R., 2002. Unpredictable evolution in a 30-year study of Darwin’s finches. Science, 296(5568), pp.707-711.
Grant & Grant research was about the long-term impact of the evolutionary changes that occurs in species. Geospiza fortis and Geospiza scandens were analysed from 1972 to 2001. It was determined that there was hybridization and changes in phenotypic variations in response to the society were observed. It was deemed in this research that a Continuous and long-term studies are required to interpret and detect important events.
The limitation of this research is that to completely comprehend the changes, more observational analysis is needed. The impact of each kind of species with each other and the biological changes that are observed in the societies need to be analysed.
Review 2
Byars, S. G., Ewbank, D., Govindaraju, D. R. and Stearns, S. C., 2010. Natural selection in a contemporary human population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(suppl 1), pp.1787-1792.
The aim of this research was to comprehend natural selection on the modern human beings and conduct a predictive analysis of the future changes. A longitudinal study was conducted from 1948 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Boston University. It was observed that the women were shorter and stout and had relatively lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. The reproductive period was relatively longer based on the selection pattern. It was observed that the changes in the women were evident. This had impacted their future progeny as well. A number of important analogies of Darwin evolutionary model were tested. However, in spite of the time duration, it was not possible to completely evaluate the impact of changes in the human body. There were many complex factors that needed to be comprehended. The study calls for further long-term and multi-cohort studies. These must include evolutionary biologist.
Discussion Questions
Grant and Grant (2002) research states that some of the phenotypic variations and hybridizations that occur in certain species are non-evolutionary in nature. The reasons for this are based on individual extenuating circumstances. There is a need for more research to address these changes. What are the appropriate research directions to identify the issues?
Specific trait of reproduction in women was analysed in the research that was conducted by Byars et al. (2010). The impact of the changes within the women and the impact of the medical trait on the progeny need to be analysed. What are the methods of collation of data?
The impact of the non-evolutionary changes and the evolutionary changes relations must be probed in detail. How to conduct this research in the future.

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