


The major long term threat for budgets and taxpayers in the case is the crisis of pension. The manager of Bell City raked a salary of approximately 800,000 dollars and a total package of compensation worth 1.5 million dollars. These were inclusive of benefits like 28 weeks of sick leave and vacation leave. This ended up placing taxpayers with more than 600,000 dollars on annual basis for the pension of manager. The key argument is placed by public worker that they are not earning this much salary as comparable workers of the private section. Hence, the governments should make up for inequity by greater benefits of pension and increased security on job.

Public has expectations of viewing procedures and policies in effect and the information is expected to be in relation with the accurate governing spending and procedures of Bell. Further ahead, this is an era in which citizens have expectations for increased technological integration across the government.
Hence, availability of data is not the only expectation of the public from Bell, but it also reflects the increased requirement for accessing the overall information. It has been suggested that Bell is expected for consolidating several ethical considerations as one document that can be read easily for ensuring the provisions which are understood by the relevant employees and the officials.
As the public has to be informed with recent and latest updates, it is important to understand the rules responsible for governance of the officials. Clear requirements simplify the compliance for officials, city watchdog and the public for checking out this compliance in the absence of any research and complicated sources.
The governmental authorities start to create a more autonomous power system where the people are targeted. Some people are made the victims to send a message to the community. They try to silence the issues of the people in order to create a newer situation. The government betrays the people by focusing on the smear campaigns. In the district of Cudahy, when the people wanted to run against the council incumbents, they were the targets of the smear campaigns. The governmental authority tries to use the funds for their own benefit (Thompson 226).
They try to use intimidation and fear to control the people and try to secure funds that were only beneficial for governmental individuals. In this schema, the public welfare projects are deterred and progress is halted in these cases (Van Prooijen and van Lange 21). The government makes promises that are not addressed by the people in the societies.
The government creates a system where the people’s needs are not met. They are forced to face the ramification of excessive greed by the people (Treisman 220). Ultimately, these are the ways in which the government betrays the people. They are found to use a number of scare tactics to control the people. These are explained in the following.
There was commencement of action by the Attorney General for recovering illegal and excessive salaries, along with block additional pensions on the basis of unlawful salaries. This was actually putting the city across a specific receivership for the causes of directing the city and then serving the members of the council. For the duration of 6 months, the City Council formerly was not having a meeting and there could be payment of bills by irregular procedures.
Apart from defending against more than 70 million dollars in claims of liability, the City was in need of spearheading the unprecedented effort for recovering from the losses incurred by the City during the scandal of corruption.

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