


珍妮认为她把信息传递给了每个人,但是她忘记了两个成员,因为她决定以后再和他们交流。然而,这两位成员应该在演讲的开始放幻灯片。结果,报告的编写出现了延迟,我们没有足够的时间来练习,因此我们失去了项目。对于我未来的计划,我将确保与团队的每一个成员进行直接沟通,而不是要求其他人传递信息,因为这是我的责任。根据Shannon(1948)的《传播过程模型》,在考虑听觉科学、言语、语言学、修辞和新闻等高度多样化学科的相互基础时,可以对传播进行处理。该过程涉及8个主要要素:信息源、消息、发射机、信号、信道、噪声、接收机和目的地(Merrill 2008)。在这个特殊的案例中,我是向Jenny传递项目进度信息的信息源。


当我们在直接沟通时,有直接的信息流动,没有任何信号中断。然而,我必须在我的面部表情中传达我的信息的严肃性,在手势和声音方面有各种信号系统的参与。空气是这一交流过程中的通道(Knapp et al., 2014)。这条消息肯定到达了目的地,那就是珍妮,她必须进一步转移到其他人身上,但就其严肃性而言,她可能没能领会这条消息。简而言之,交流的来源可以被认为是信息、媒体、语言和创造信息和消费信息的人之间复杂交互的结果(Merrill, 2008)。这也是人类学、社会学、心理学、传播学、媒介生态学和语言学的主要主体性。信息是交流的集中方面,是媒体、语言、人以及他们互动的方式的基础。


Jenny thought she delivered the message to everyone but she forgot two of the members, as she decided to communicate with them later. However, these two members were supposed to give the beginning slides of the presentation. As a result, there was delay in compiling the presentation and we were not left with sufficient time for practicing and we lost the project. For my plans in the future, I will ensure making direct communication with each and every member of team, rather than asking anyone else to deliver a message as it was my responsibility.According to the model of communication process by Shannon (1948), there can be treatment of communication when considering a mutual ground for highly diversified disciplines as hearing sciences, speech, linguistics, rhetoric and journalism. The process involves 8 major elements that are: source of information, message, transmitter, signal, channel, noise, receiver and destination (Merrill 2008). In this particular case, I was the source of information for transmitting the message about the project schedule to Jenny.

As we were in a direct communication, there was direct flow of information without any disruption of signal. However, I had to deliver the seriousness of my message in my facial expression where there was an involvement of various signal systems in terms of gesture and sound. Air was the channel in this process of communication (Knapp et al., 2014). The message surely reached the destination that is Jenny that had to be further transferred to others, but she probably failed in consuming the message in terms of its seriousness. In short, a source of communication can be considered as the result of a combination of complicated interaction among the prime constituents that are messages, media, languages and people who create the messages and consumer the messages (Merrill, 2008). This also has key subjectivity with anthropology, sociology, psychology, communication, media ecology, and linguistics. Message is the centralized aspect of communication and the fundamental base of media, language, and people and the way in which they interact.