





  1. Kyle Bos也兴奋地搜寻Delicious Hamburgers的箱子,在箱子里面发现了50张优惠券。他立即跑到美味汉堡店,用两张刮刮卡交换了优惠券。然后,他跑到美味的汉堡办公室,要求接待员用两辆马自达换掉刮刮卡。他惊讶地发现一个通知提出,广告是无效的,因为由于打印机故障而出现打印错误。根据广告,美味汉堡是提供马自达C-X7换取刮刮卡。



Step 1. The legal issue of the case are as follows:

  1. Delicious Hamburgers deciding to offer a Mazda C-X7 in exchange of one gold scratch car which can be redeemed against 25 coupons that can be collected by purchasing the Double Beef burger box which will be stuck on the inside bottom of the box. The company has offered to pay for a consideration of the scratch ticket containing a Mazda C-X7
  2. George, after getting excited went to the shop and ordered 25 boxes of the Double Beef burger. After eating all burgers, he suddenly fell down and was taken to the hospital. He had the scratch ticket, but could not go to the office of Delicious Hamburgers. The determination of who would be considered the earliest applicant of the two if to be made.
  3. Kyle Bos was also excited and search the bins of Delicious Hamburgers in which she found 50 coupons stuck on the inside bottom of the box. He immediately ran to the Delicious Hamburgers shop and exchanged the coupons with 2 scratch cards. He then ran up to the Delicious Hamburgers office and asked the receptionist to exchange the scratch ticket with two Mazda. He surprisingly found a notice put up that the advertisement was null and void because there was a printing mistake due to the printers fault. According to the advertisement, Delicious Hamburgers is to offer a Mazda C-X7 in exchange of a scratch ticket.
  4. George while recovering in the hospital did hear about the Delicious Hamburgers offer and the Mazda car offer. He immediately opened his scratch ticket and found a gold Mazda car, following which he went to their office and asked the receptionist for a Mazda car in exchange of the scratch ticket. It was seen that Kyle had come earlier than George, and even before Kyle, there was a person who came to claim and was agreed to be given the car because the company had already bought the car to be offered. It is to be determined who would be the rightful owner of the car.