

1854年,一份名为“Ostend宣言”的文件写道,美国从西班牙购买古巴的意图,甚至在西班牙拒绝的情况下宣布了一场战争。然而,美国对古巴在软弱的西班牙手中感到满意,而不是去一些更强大的国家,比如英国或法国。美国甚至准备使用军事力量以国家安全的名义占领古巴(图尔钦& j . s .),1988)。

结束后美国内战(1861 – 1865),为了保持与拉丁美洲的商业环境,会议被称为1889年,目标是组装的拉美国家的领导下美国和拉丁美洲的打开了市场对美国的交易员。后来,美国干涉了古巴和西班牙之间的冲突,以获得古巴,这导致了1898年美西战争。1902年,美国军队在1901年通过普拉特修正案后离开了古巴。根据这一点,美国被允许干涉古巴发生的事情,以保持古巴和古巴的独立,不会将其土地转让给除美国以外的任何其他国家。在1904年,罗斯福总统为美国辩护作为美国“国际警察力量”的职责,对其他国家的事务进行干预,并对发生的任何事情进行检查。1900 – 45,经过一段时间的经济扩张的美国在中美洲的进出口的咖啡,糖,香蕉等。1930 – 1940年期间,睦邻政策是通过美国罗斯福总统的政府下向拉丁美洲,和美国同意不干涉别国内政的古巴。

In 1854, a document called Ostend Manifesto was written, which described the intentions of the United States to purchase Cuba from Spain, and even declare a war if Spain refused. However, U.S. was satisfied with Cuba being in the hands of the weak Spain, instead of going to some stronger nations like Britain or France. U.S. was even ready to use military forces in order to seize Cuba, in the name of national security (Tulchin & J.S., 1988).
After the end of the US Civil War (1861-1865), in order to maintain the business environment with the Latin America, a meeting was called in 1889, with the aim of assembling the Latin American nations under the leadership of the United States and opens the markets of Latin America to U.S. traders. Later, U.S. interfered in a conflict between Cuba and Spain, in order to acquire Cuba, which lead to the Spanish-American War in 1898. Later in 1902, the U.S. army left Cuba after the Platt Amendment was passed in 1901. According to this, U.S. was allowed to interfere in the happening in Cuba , in order to preserve the independence of Cuba and Cuba would not transfer its land to any other country other than the United States. In 1904, President Roosevelt justified the U.S.’s intervention in other state’ affairs as the responsibility of US to act as “international police power” and keep a check on anything wrong happening. The period of 1900-45, was a period of economic expansion of the United States in the Central America in terms of import and export of coffee, sugar, bananas etc. During the period of 1930-1940, the good neighbor policy was adopted by U.S. under the administration of President Roosevelt towards Latin America, and U.S. agreed not to interfere in the internal affairs of Cuba.