


Considering the first rationale, if some section of the society is not benefitted by the product, it does not serve the purpose of a deficit problem in the society. If a section of society is completely on the extreme side of the industry, the copyrighted product will never benefit that section, and thus the lack of demand of this section not willing to buy such copyrighted products is not taken in to consideration while pricing the product. So obligation to society is not fully agreeable when a part of society will never benefit from such copyrighted products. Promoting general wellbeing of society is also agreed when the copyrights create more encouragement for more such creations and the society in turn benefits from it. However, when incentives are the only means and the access to such copyrighted products reduces, there is no wellbeing that can be said as absolute.

The rationale for copyright is more towards encouragement and creating competitive forces within the market, but when the same rationale is not effective in its assumptions, it loses its importance and the development of trust deficit develops. This in turn impacts the creators and their loss of confidence in the assumption of their creation getting protected. In addition, the society also develops a belief that free use, or liberalisation of access to such copyrighted materials will be more advantageous. This can also encourage more talent to create new works since they would believe more in the system due to the liberalisation of new creations.

Capitalism, as a market structure, allows everyone to behave as if acting for their own self-interest, but when this self-interest converts into copying the copyrighted materials and redistributing at lower prices than the original, it hurts the entire economy and the society. Thus, the goal of creating more copyrighted materials is always desirable but is not possible to achieve fully in a capitalistic market structure when the forces of selfish motives are acting against the safeguarding of protected materials.

Copyright law is introduced with the basis of incentivising the creator who creates works that benefits the society and in turn helps the society to achieve more by the use of such products. The intention of copyright law being the general wellbeing of society and helping specialised and rare knowledge reaching the masses at affordable costs, the results are not equivalent to the assumptions. The benefits as claimed are not transferred to all sections of the society which make the claim itself questionable. Again, the author or an artist who creates the work of arts is given exclusive rights of the use of the product; it makes it less accessible to those who really need it but cannot afford it, leading to a conclusion that the accessibility reduces with the law getting more stringent and when enforced fully. This inaccessibility of the product is not one of the main purposes of the creators and violates the intention and deprives society. Thus, copyright law is outdated and a free knowledge source is required where there is no discrimination between copyrighted and non-copyrighted products, but letting the society decide its worth depending on the value proposition.

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