


Insights provide a window into understanding the mind of the consumer. An opportunity to be exploited starts from an insight. Only when the marketer understands the driving behaviour of the consumer, will they be able to construct successful marketing. Insights into consumer behaviour, the industry, how the marketing can be done to sell a creative idea to the consumer and how to create sales out of the whole process are all interconnected. The purpose of this work is to understand the opportunities that can be created for Puma and how the fashion lifestyle line can be improved to focus on the teenager.

The opportunities understood are as follows. Teenagers of current times have more options for purchasing their own things, especially when it comes to their sports apparel and their everyday things. They prefer trendy clothes, and at the same time, they are influenced by those brands that would help them feel like they belong. It should satisfy their ego needs as well. Their sense of belongingness influences them to purchase those brands that present young adults like themselves or celebrities in their age group.

Interactive media Strategy

In this context, the best strategy to use for Puma would be an interactive media strategy. An interactive media strategy would be useful to target all young adult segments. Young adults are more hooked on their laptops, tablets or smartphones and hence traditional media like print advertising would not aid. Smart media use trends can be tapped into. The marketer will have to structure their advertisement based on their understanding of consumer. Puma by targeting into the young adult media use would have a better idea of their involvement.

Puma’s style of advertising is indeed efficient for retaining its brand value over the years, but a new strategy would definitely help Puma improve its target customer base over the years. The analysis reveals that Puma would be able to catch up with competitive peers like Nike if it restructures its strategy.

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