


According to 7.5 Million people in United States of America are considered to be vegans. The people avidly follow and adhere to these rules prescribed in veganism. The individuals who follow the mandates of veganism closely consider it a part of their personal identity (Paxman 7).
Veganism has gained popularity in the current times. It is considered to be reflective when compared to the standard American diet and is used for the identity management. Vegans are found to have strained communication and also conflict with other ideologies (Freedman 138). They become vociferous when they explain about their food choices. Apart from this the cost of production of vegan food are considerably lower when compared to the other food groups.
Hence the access to vegan food, time required for preparation, sustainability and the costs involved in the process of being a vegan is considerably lower when compared to other food choices. Some of the elitists in the society choose these food groups as a status symbol (Turner 811). This is not the case in all situations. In this process the vegans become defensive or aggressive to the society in terms of their food choices. Some people consider being a vegan as a form of being a rebel in the societies where they do not follow the conformed normative ideologies. There is an intricate connection between being a vegan and personal identity. The personal identity encompasses the individual beliefs that stems from the knowledge that they have garnered and the external environment where they live.

The people in the society choose these food groups to explain about their individual identity, most common reasons for the people to become vegans are to prevent abuse of animals, choosing healthier options of food and to rebel against then normative standards of America. Research has indicated that the people who choose to be vegans in the society do so for one or more of these reasons (McPherson 677).
Owing to the general perception of this veganism in the nation, it is observed that the people have a tendency to shy away from explaining or revealing about themselves. Majority of the people explain about their food choices passionately. Nevertheless, they shy away from being more open and transparent. They are the innate sense that the people will consider them as rebels or elitists. In an effort for self-preservation the vegans continue to maintain a sense of self consciousness. It is imperative to understand the social culture to understand the nuances of a vegan identity in an individual. They are explained in the following section.

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