


从计算很明显,公司的盈利能力与去年相比2012年有所下降。有增加毛利率从去年的1.9%,这表明,相比竞争对手的业务不是做得很好。操作破坏负与去年相比2012年的两倍。这意味着齿轮(销货成本)增加和收入减少(分流官方网站称,2014)。资产回报率下降约43%,股本回报率下降了107%,销售利润率和投资回报率下降了58.52%在2013年下降了65.11%。从年度报告声明,同样明显的是,股票价格也在2013年减少了42%。这表明该公司的能力产生的收入并非有效的或有效的费用相比,2012年。2012年的财务状况要好得多。公司的增长从2.5亿澳元AUD 12亿从2000年到2000年。这表明下降的公司的财务表现。



通常这些比率是用来分析公司使用其资产和负债在公司(休斯顿,乔尔·F。布里格姆,尤金·f . 2009)。效率比率的应收账款周转率,偿还债务,用法和股票的数量,和一般的使用设备,机械和库存。附录中给出的计算财务比率,表明周转比率增加了2013年,这意味着该公司获得短期资本,这些短术语在普通应税所得率(分流官方网站称,2014)。

From the calculations it is clear that profitability of the company has decreased in comparison to the last year 2012. There is increase in gross profit margin from last year by 1.9%, this shows that in comparison to its competitors the business is not doing well. Operating marring is in negative in comparison to last year 2012 by two times. This means that COGS (Cost of goods sold) increases and revenue decreases (Billabong Official Website, 2014). Return on assets decreases by about 43%, Return on equity decreases by 107%, return on sales decreases by 58.52% and return on investment get decreases by 65.11% in year 2013. From the annual report statement, it is also evident that the stock prices were also reduced by 42% in year 2013. This indicates that the company’s ability to generate the revenue was not efficient or effective in comparison to the expenses in year 2012. The financial health was much better in year 2012. The company made growth from AUD 250 million to AUD 1.2 Billion from year 2000 to 2010. This shows the decline in the company’s financial performances.
These ratios are used to analyze how typically the company usages its assets and liabilities inside the company (Houston, Joel F.; Brigham, and Eugene F. 2009). Some of the efficiency ratios are turnover of receivables, the repayment of liabilities, the quantity of usages and equity, and the general use of equipments, machinery and inventory. The calculated financial ratios as given in appendix indicates that turnover ratio increased in year 2013, that means the company gained short term capital but these short terms are taxable on ordinary income rate (Billabong Official Website, 2014).