

代写论文-HMV唱片零售商的商务营销策略。HMV是行业中历史最悠久、最流行的唱片零售商,占据着市场领导者的地位。该组织在欧洲、美国、加拿大、亚洲和澳大利亚的主要消费市场开展业务。此外,由于在线呈现的需求不断增长,组织已经将服务技术化(Tennant, 2016)。然而,在战略实施的差距导致销售下降。因此,营销审计是为了提出HMV可以利用电子商务营销策略和促销营销策略针对的两组客户群体的细分,以满足不同客户群体个体不断增长的需求(Baker, 2014)。因此,增加的参与度和无缝的在线音乐访问将使组织通过目标客户受众的增长。在各种环境分析的基础上,考虑到外部市场和内部组织资源的持续情况,HMV推荐了两套可以有效定位的市场细分标准(Beaster-Jones, 2016)。建议组织考虑两种不同的市场细分标准,以便针对所选择的客户群体和个人,以实现组织在娱乐市场的增长。

HMV holds the position of market leader in the UK’s retail industry of music and record sales. The organization have strong brand recognition and positioning that makes it a direct competitor of the US based iTunes as e-commerce strategies are integrated within the operations.
HMV is engaged in diversified portfolios and present in growing geographic markets such as US, Europe, Australia and Asia (Rogers, 2013). Moreover, it has entered the leisure and entertainment markets for the expansion of the market share.

The website operations launch is one of the strengths as it provides with the gaming, online purchase and ticketing for the easy shopping access and for ensuring that the customers remain in contact with HMV itself.
HMV is relied on e-marketing strategies to facilitate conversation with the online customers through e-mail (Solomon, 2014). His campaign resulted in the 750 percent increased transaction on the HMV’s online store.
Recent acquisition of Mama Group by HMV resulted in the increment of the share price.

The major challenge faced by the HMV is to attract the customer to still prefer the physical music purchases from the brick and mortar outlets (Roy, 2016). However, customers do not prefer the same as they find purchasing same music online to be both cheaper and easier.
Sales were reduced by more than 2 percent in the last year. Even though the profits were made, it has been viewed that large number of customers are finding the entertainment that can be availed through movies and live entertainment (Schlegelmilch, 2016). Furthermore, the trend of music sales has moves from offline to online.

HMV has opened the website operations, cinemas as well as book stores across the London. Hence, increment in the sales is expected. Moreover, the recent acquisition of the Mama Group showcases the organizational growth in the near future.
Expansion in the health and fitness DVDs segment from the online platform is another opportunity present for HMV (Strauss, 2016).
Advancement of technology provides with increased opportunities to HMV for revolutionizing the organizational performance, consumer relations and the services’ quality. Hence, the services of HMV can be improved through internet by providing with the services of TV and movies sales and subsequent download from the website operations.

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