



在推广期间,政府的意图是,一旦满足某些先决条件,USO的服务提供安排将从管制模式转变,即USO由单一的主要普遍服务提供者提供,,使标准电话服务和收费电话机的提供可在NBN固定线路网络内开放竞争。在NBN固定电话网络之外,政府将与服务供应商签订合约,根据《用户使用条例》提供化粪池系统和收费电话服务。为了确保过渡到NBN期间的服务连续性,政府在2011年6月宣布,它已经与Telstra-the TUSOPA签订了初步服务协议。

监察宽频网络的实施,以确保所有利益都能按市民的要求提供给他们,是非常重要的。在当前场景中,监视的主要问题是服务协议是大规模完成的,而且服务协议中有许多涉众。面对如此多的涉众,挑战在于跟踪所有涉众的所有活动,并与所有活动的监控保持一致。有一个时间表,澳大利亚电信需要向公众提供各种服务,并报告所有财务、用途、网络分布和信号等。澳大利亚电信在这10年里提供的所有财务报表都需要每年由外部审计人员核实,以确保每个消费者对澳大利亚电信提供的服务收取适当的费用。所有的见解都必须定期向政府及其官员报告,以审查并核实审计的细节(van der Berg, 2008)。

根据与政府签订的服务义务合同,澳大利亚电信有义务向政府提供所有状态和报告,以确保所有义务得到充分履行。根据绩效审计报告第2.14条,澳大利亚通信和媒体管理局(ACMA)表示,在过去两年里,没有收到关于Telstra在该国服务的投诉。由于投诉被分类的方式,电信行业监察专员办公室无法向ANAO提供任何与Telstra在其USO下提供STS相关的投诉数据(AGCNCO, 2011)。开发绩效矩阵是为了检查在一段时间内的客户服务保证[澳大利亚会计准则,第2.16节]。矩阵解释说,那里没有太多的投诉,而且对客户的服务是良好的公开等级。

业绩报告表明,所有的服务都是由Telstra按照协议进行的,所有审计、财务、投诉、服务用法等都是按照条款和条件提供给政府的。没有发现投诉和问题,因此服务质量被市民评为优秀。这表明公众得到了各种好处,公众也能够跟踪它。政府已经验证了所有必要的政策声明,并发现它是正确的(Beltrán和Katz, 2015)。


In order to effectively monitor the services provided by Telstra, meet the requirements of the government there were setup multiple clauses, agreements and terms. The TUSOPA supports the achievement of the stated Universal Service Obligation (USO) policy objective of providing reasonable access to standard telephone services and payphones on an equitable basis to all Australians—specifically by establishing a contract with Telstra to deliver basic voice telephony services for a period of 20 years (ACT Government , 2016). In addition to the stated policy objective, the TUSOPA played an important role in securing Telstra’s involvement in the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN).

During the roll-out, it was the intention of Government that once certain pre-conditions had been met, the service delivery arrangements for the USO would transition from a regulatory model, where the USO is provided by a single primary universal service provider, to a model whereby the delivery of standard telephone services (STS) and payphones under a USO would be opened to competition within the NBN fixed line network. Outside of the NBN fixed line network, the Government would enter into contracts with service providers to deliver STS and payphone services under the USO. In order to ensure continuity of services during the transition to the NBN, the Government announced in June 2011 that it had entered into an initial service agreement with Telstra—the TUSOPA.

The monitoring of the implementation of the broadband network is important to make sure that all the benefits are provided to the public as per their requirements. In the current scenario, the main issue for the monitoring is that the service agreement is done with large scale and there are many stakeholders in this service agreement. Being so many stakeholders, the challenge is to track all the activities of the all the stakeholders and align to the monitoring of all activities. There was defined a timeline by which Telstra need to provide various services to the public and report for all financial, usages, network distribution and signals etc. All the financials provided by Telstra in period of the 10 years needed to be verified by the external auditors each year in order to make sure that each consumer is charged proper for the provided services by Telstra. All insights are mandatory to report to the government and its officials time to time to review and hence verify the details for audit (van der Berg, 2008).

Under the service obligations contract with the government, Telstra was obliged to provide all status and report to the government to ensure all obligations are full filled. As per article 2.14 in the performance audit report, it was advised by The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) that in last 2 years, there was no complain received in regard to Telstra for their services in the country. Due to the way, complaints are categorised, the Office of Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman was unable to supply the ANAO with any complaint data that related to Telstra’s provision of STS under its USO (AGCNCO, 2011). The performance matrix was developed to check the customer service guarantee over the period of time [ANAO, Section 2.16]. The matrix explains that not much complains were there and the services were of good grades to its customers publicly.

The performance report indicates that all the services were in effect by Telstra as per the agreements and all audits, financials, complains, service usages etc. were provided to the government as per the terms & conditions. There was no such complains and issue found and hence the service quality was rated outstanding by the public. This indicates that public got all kinds of benefits and public was able to track it as well. The government has all necessary policy statement verified and found it right (Beltrán and Katz, 2015).

Overall, it can be said that it was helpful to monitor all the services by Telstra through multi sources of reporting, verification and audit.
