


This analysis is done in the musical genre of Hip hop which is by convention dominated by the black males. The women who are trying to establish their niche in the field are often considered as feminist and called by various names in various countries across the world. As Sweden is a gender equal country with mutual respect for everyone, it has been suitably studied with respect to the expression of music belonging to Hip hop genre. The quality of life of females and their challenges have been appropriately noted.

Although barriers are concerned, there happens to be few ones as far as the participation of women in the contemporary Sweden is concerned. However, researchers working in the field of gender bias have highlighted a persistent presence of gender inequality to be highly prevalent in various categories or classes of music. Sweden was chosen by the researcher since little or no conclusive data is available in this field and also due to the fact that this country accommodates everyone irrespective of caste and ethnicity.
Let us consider the scenario of rock music where researchers have identified the position or presence of women as extras. If the electronic dance and music is considered, the existing structure does not have any room for feminist or their competence. These can be considered to be categories which are dominated by males and are exclusive in nature. The presence of females is simply not common or accepted. Irrespective of the different categories which are adopted by the womenfolk to be able to remain a part of the group, there is high risk with regard to facing a situation where the competence of the females is questioned.
The present researcher has identified a number of projects which work towards empowerment of the girls so that they can participate in the field of music. Other researchers have identified a dilemma of invisibility in spite of having the requisite talent, as it is more of bitching in this male dominated world. The females have to either consider music as masculine and thereby hiding behind the curtain and maintaining invisibility or look for alternatives so that they can challenge the explicit nature of the same and thereby being called upon by various unparliamentarily names. She has to adjust in such circumstances in order to establish her position and status. The women and non-white people are thus considered as invaders in this field. Even the media tends to frame them as hip hop feminist who are predominantly non-white females with a racial discrimination, trying to claim a position in this other masculine and men dominated black sexist circle.

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