


漫威不断根据人们的趋势进行调整和发展。他们的生存之道是制定一个强有力的本地营销计划。超级英雄在电影中所扮演的角色是不断进化的,在这部电影中他们的视野超越了生活。该公司没有单一的策略来满足粉丝。他们采用了多种内容格式来吸引粉丝。这些公司为电影创造了积极的期望(McDonald and Wasko, 2008)。接触消费者的不同形式使消费者觉得他们与公司的品牌形象有关。他们创造的内容让消费者在这个过程中感到特别。像《死侍》这样的电影并不局限于基于故事的内容。这带来了新的消费者。在电影中,英雄并没有拯救特定的一群人。他们总是试图把世界从最终的灭亡中拯救出来。内容使来自不同文化的人被包含在故事情节中(Gordon, Jancovich, and McAllister, 2010)。故事中既有当地的内容,也有多样性。人们等待他们的超级英雄电影,因为它被认为是纯粹的娱乐。象征主义是漫威超级英雄不可或缺的一部分。每一部电影都有特定的象征意义(Johnson, 2012)。
这些增加了超级英雄关心人类的普遍看法。极端利他主义的情感使其在中国等集体主义文化中产生共鸣,个人才能也会引起英国观众的共鸣。一般人都想要一个超级英雄。在不同的文化中,人们都希望超级英雄能拯救工作。这些公司创造了《死侍》中的角色。主人公是一个有着正常情感的普通人。他是孩子们可以尊敬的人。角色中包含了对情感的拥抱和对宠物的包容(Meyer等人,2016)。这些都为电影创造了强大的粉丝基础。他们在社交媒体上建立个人关系,并与粉丝建立关系。《死侍》被认为是积极的社交媒体活动的缩影。他被认为是“有嘴的雇佣兵”。他不是典型的超级英雄。他是一个普通的角色,因为他的反驳和讽刺而逃脱惩罚(戴维斯,2016)。这个角色是不同的,基于人们已经厌倦了其他超级英雄所塑造的干净形象。这种社交媒体策略使得公司不仅要接触到国际受众,还要接触到当地民众(Brown, 2016)。


Marvel keeps adapting and evolving according to the trends of the people. Their method of survival is having a strong local marketing plan. The superhero is portrayed in the movies are constantly evolving and their vision of larger than life is met in this movies. The company does not have a single strategy to meet the fans. They have adopted a multiple content formats to reach out to the fans. The companies create a positive expectation for the movies (McDonald and Wasko, 2008). The different formats in which the reach out to the consumers makes the consumers feel that they are related to the brand image of the company. They create content that makes the consumers feel special in the process. Movies such as Dead pool does not limit itself to the story based content. There is improvisation this brings in newer consumers. In the movies, the heroes do not save a certain group of people. They always try to save the world from eventual demise. The content makes eople from different cultures to be included in the storyline (Gordon, Jancovich, and McAllister, 2010). There is diversity as well as local content that are fostered in the stories. The people wait for their superhero movies as it is considered to be pure entertainment. Symbolism is an integral aspect of the Marvel superhero. In each movie there is a specific symbolism (Johnson, 2012).
These add to the perception that the superhero cares for mankind in general. The sentiments of extreme altruism make it resonate in the collectivistic cultures such as China and individual talents will also resonate with the UK audience. The people in general want a superhero. Across cultures, the people expect a superhero to save the work. The companies create the character such the character in Deadpool. The main protagonist is an everyman with normal emotions. He is someone whom the children can look up to. There is the embracing of the emotions and inclusion of pets in the character (Meyer, et al., 2016). These create a strong fan base of the movies. They get personal on social media and foster relationship with the fan base. Deadpool is considered as an epitome of positive social media campaign. He is considered to be “Merc with a Mouth”. He is not the stereotypical super hero. He is a regular character who gets away owing to his retorts and sarcasm (Davies, 2016). The character is different and is based on the fact that people are bored with the clean image portrayed by the other superheroes. This social media strategy made the company to reach out to the local people as well as the international audience (Brown, 2016).