代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論


代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
作業管理的理論將被用來分析問題的各個方面,同時作為思考的基礎。由於本文對於Ellos來說是非常具體和實踐性的,所以在考慮關鍵問題的時候並不會遵循準確的理論,因為運營管理理論將作為一個檢查表和一個指導方針,用來遺忘任何重要的事情。使用這種方法的主要目的是減少移動和時間,消除不必要的操作(Betts 2015)。下面的模型將作為進行分析的方法框架。如前所述,這個模型將結合問題、選擇的方法、不同的理論和關鍵目的。關於關鍵的輸入,將著重於包裝的操作和包裝領域的工作人員。包裝領域的操作性能比較多,相互之間的交互作用比較大(Betts 2015)。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
在本分析中,重點將放在完成例程和包裝供應例程上。大家都知道,Ellos有一個很好的工作輪換制度,並致力於工作人員積極性的關鍵數字,因此,可以認為有關業務管理的理論是適當和適當的(Banks 1998)。進一步的,模擬的方法也可以認為是適當的。仿真是對現實世界中某一系統或過程的模擬,是解決現實生活中若干問題不可缺少的方法。這種特別的方法正用於描述和分析與實際系統有關的行為,為“如果”問題尋求答案(Banks 1998)。當考慮描述期望系統和現有系統的建模的真實係統的設計時,這可以被認為是非常有用的指導工具,並且不能用於優化,而只能用於測試想法。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論

Theories of operations management will be used for analysing all areas of problem, while serving as a base of thinking. As this paper can be considered extremely specific and practice for Ellos, the exact theory will not be followed when considering the key issue as the theory of operation management will be serving as a checklist and a guideline for forgetting anything significant. The key purpose behind the use of methodology is reduction of movements and time, and elimination of unnecessary operations (Betts 2015). The below model will be used a methodological framework for conducting the analysis. This model, as mentioned, will be combining the issue, the selected methods, different theories and the key purpose. With respect to key inputs, focus will be created on the operation of packaging and the employees working in the area of packing. The performance of operation in the area of packing are many, and there is a heavy interaction with one another (Betts 2015).

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
For the purpose of this analysis, focus will be created on routines of completion and routines of packaging supply. Ellos is known to be having a well- established system for the rotation of job, and works towards key figures for the motivation of staff, and hence, the theory related to operations management can be considered appropriate and suitable (Banks 1998). Further ahead, the method of simulation can also be considered appropriate. Simulation is referred to as an imitation of a system or a process in the real world setting, being an indispensable methodology to solve several real- life issues. This particular method is being used for the description and analysis of behaviour related to a real system, seeking answers for what- if questions (Banks 1998). This can be considered as extremely useful as a guiding tool when considering the designing of real system that depicts the modelling of both, desired and existing systems, and cannot be used for optimization, but to test ideas.