







有几个争议的金字塔。使用的主要争议是块金字塔是像5000 – 5000磅重。和没有机械滑轮来支持建设。这仍然是一个神秘的古埃及人是如何建造这样巨大的这些使用块太大而沉重的[]。在今天的技术构建一个金字塔是一个挑战,认为这是完成了如此多的精度,时间仍然是一个人问。而且这些金字塔属于时间当没有地图、GPS或任何其他此类技术可用,即使在当时的每个角位置金字塔非常精密,准确。


There are several stories behind the construction of Great Pyramids of Egypt. For all the architectural geniuses all over the world, this construction remained as a question mark. The precise positioning and the huge size of the bricks make it more complicated and difficult to understand. Even the interiors of the pyramid are so accurate and precise that the architects are not able to understand the design behind it. There are no markings or names on the wall which can give an idea that who made it[].
In this essay there will be a detailed discussion about the great pyramid of Egypt, about the construction and structure of pyramid and the controversies related to the architecture of pyramid.
Background knowledge of pyramid
Construction & structure of pyramid
Controversy of pyramid
There are several controversies associated with the pyramids. The main controversy is that the blocks used in the pyramids were as heavy as 5000-30000 lbs. and there were no mechanical pulleys to support the construction at that time. It is still a mystery how the ancient Egyptians managed to build something as huge as these using blocks which are so big and heavy[]. Building a pyramid in today’s technology is a challenge and to think that it was done with so much precision in that time is still a question people ask. Moreover these pyramids belonged to the time when there were no maps, GPS or any other such technologies were available and even then each angle of placement of the pyramid is so precise and accurate.