


莎士比亚认为,他的妻子负责迫使麦克白犯下的所有罪行,他怎么有资格成为国王。在看了苏格兰和麦克白时期的历史可以分析出他是一个政治统治者和他的继任是有争议的。关于他的勇敢、暴政和沉积的辩论。莎士比亚另一方面描绘麦克白作为他的主要发挥领导作为一个国王是勇敢的接受自己的错误和罪恶。情节简单,大部分的场景都是从其他戏剧和戏剧的1506(莎士比亚77)。莎士比亚不仅是受苏格兰的历史,但他想利用这段时间关于King Macbeth的著作。他使用的情况和人物,他发现有吸引力的和操纵的一些情况和性格特征的人物。由于他和杰姆斯有着密切的关系,他想把国王描绘成真正的,具有良好的人格特征的国王。
评论家认为,这部戏剧的作品作为操纵和真实的情况并没有描绘的作者。据许多作家,他们认为,莎士比亚没有正义的发挥,因为这是一个发挥不是一个真实的故事。人们需要戏剧和戏剧和强度,这些元素是由莎士比亚。麦克白激发了许多作家和电影制作人在现代。这出戏的痕迹,可以发现在许多戏剧和电影,现在的时间,因为强大的人物和对话的这个游戏。剧中麦克白由莎士比亚和George R. Martin的小说可以追溯到之间的相似性。马丁的小说也着重于王位的斗争和人们如何为这个王位而被杀害。另一个相似性可以是由马丁和莎士比亚在两个国王的两个国王的女性所展示的权力的欲望。在看了苏格兰的历史,麦克白和莎士比亚的小说(麦克白),可以得出结论的是为什么这部小说从现实出发点不同。这背后的主要原因是发展激烈的戏剧,以捕捉观众的注意力。


Shakespeare believed that his wife was responsible for forcing Macbeth for committing all the crimes and how he is eligible for becoming the King. After looking at the history of Scotland and time period of Macbeth it can be analyzed that he was a political ruler and his succession was disputed. Debates were present about his bravery, tyranny and deposition. Shakespeare on the other hand portrayed Macbeth as the main lead of his play as a king who is brave and accepts his mistakes and sins. The plot was simple and most of the scenes were taken from other plays and dramas of 1506 (Shakespeare 77).  Shakespeare was not only inspired by the history of Scotland but he wanted to use the writings of that time period about King Macbeth. He used the situations and characters that he found attractive and manipulated some of the situations and personality traits of the characters. As he had close relations with James I he wanted o portray the king genuine and possessed with good personality traits.

Critics argue over the writings of this play as manipulative and real situation was not depicted by the author. According to many writers they believe that Shakespeare did justice with the play because it was a play not a real story. People want drama and intensity in plays and these elements were given by Shakespeare. Macbeth has inspired many authors in modern times and film makers. Traces of this play can be found in many plays and films of present time because of strong characters and dialogues of this play. Similarity between the play Macbeth by Shakespeare and novel of George R. Martin can be traced. The novel of Martin also focuses on the struggle of throne and how people are killed for this throne.  Another similarity can be the lust of power shown by the ladies of both the kings in both plays by Shakespeare and Martin. After looking at the history of Scotland, Macbeth and novel (Macbeth) of Shakespeare, several conclusions can be drawn as to why this novel was little different from the reality. The main reason behind this was to develop intense drama to capture the attention of audiences.