


What should Michael do, justify answer with ethical theories (principle of maximum beneficence, deontology, least harm theory) this is given below
Michael’s Course of Action
It is necessary to consider the ethical principle of maximum beneficence. This is a principle which dictates that it is the prerogative of a person caught in an ethical dilemma to do the maximum benefit when possible to ensure that everybody is benefitted. Beneficence means good, and from the ethical perspective, it could be said that taking a decision which is good for everybody is better for everyone (DSEF, 2012). In addition, the principle can be called as one where there is more utility as all stakeholders get the benefits. The principle dictates that people should behave that they are able to generate more good and lesser evil. Now according to this principle, Michael should act in a way that delivers benefits. Now combining the utilitarian theory, it could be said that any person should act with another that they are able to draw the most benefits. Here the action is considered on the basis of consequences. It could be said that when the consequences are known, people must act that they yield the best possible results for everybody, and only then their action can be called as being ethically correct. Maximum benefits can be delivered only if all stakeholders are benefitted. Here the stakeholders are investors, consumers, employees or any other person connected to the industry. In this case scenario, it could be said that if Michael was to take up some decision that would affect everybody, then he should consider the decision that would result in maximum benefit for everybody. According to this, Michael should hence not be quiet over the wrongdoers. It is observed that the wrong could continue such that only a small amount of people would benefit from the actions and a maximum amount of stakeholder’s wont. Moreover, the beneficence is not increased, and in fact it could be said that the problems or issues for the company are increased as the company’s reputation in the general field will go down.
Another theory that could be applied in context is the theory of least harm. The least harm situation is one that a decision maker will make a decision which people are not harmed even if they are benefitted. Here the prerogative is not on maximizing profits, but rather is on reducing the harm to another (Trevino, 1986). This is a basic human way of working and deciding where people do not focus on maximizing their profits when they work but rather work to ensure they are not harming even in a single person in the process. This results in a harmonized, and perfect working place where the process of profit or benefit creation happens overdue-time as nobody is harmed. This is about larger responsibility. Any person has to focus on the larger responsibility of not harming another, rather than the smaller responsibility of making benefits and profits. Now Michael in his dilemma is also forced to do the same. He has to decide on doing the least harm to people around him. If he does not report his boss or the actions of his boss here, then it could be said that he will be doing harm to people around him, like his other peers.

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