


在专业方面,Dotti有重叠的任务,Bamboo house也有重叠的任务。重叠的任务意味着任务结构没有很好的定义。这些重叠的形式对于正在增长或规模较小的企业而言是有利的。诸如Woolworths这样的企业更加规范化,专业化程度也更高。

在一个较高的等级中,自主权较低,而在一个平等的等级中,等级之间的等级较低,从而导致更多的决策自主权(Griffin,2015)。 Dotti和Bamboo House有更平坦的层次结构,所以决策的自由度更大。此外,扁平化的层次也将导致更多的沟通,更好的反馈和及时的结果。然而,随着组织的成长,如果没有一个通常需要在平等层次结构中后退的命令链,那么可能会有很多混乱。伍尔沃斯更倾向于高层次,因此有更严格的指挥链。
在餐馆业务中,组织应该为有形和无形产品负责质量至关重要。服务本身就是一种无形的产品。竹屋同样重视其有形和无形的产品。 Dotti零售销售衣服和配件,Woolworths超市销售食品,因此两者都更注重有形产品。然而,正如研究报告(Sivadas,&Baker-Prewitt,2000)所指出的那样,也必须考虑到店内服务等无形产品,因为这也会影响企业的成功(通过影响客户保留率)。


In the context of Dotti it can be seen that it is in between, when it comes to formalization. Where the work processes are structured it becomes easier for employee management, similarly Woolworths leans towards structured rules. On the other hand Bamboo House is less structured and hence might have lesser number of rules. While this encourages flexibility, too fewer rules could make the organization inefficient.
With respect to specialization, Dotti has overlapping tasks and so do Bamboo house. Overlapping tasks would mean the task structures are not well defined. These forms of overlaps are good for businesses that are growing or are smaller in size. A business such as Woolworths which is seen more established with more formalization, the specialization level is also high.
In a taller hierarchy there is lesser autonomy, whereas in a flat hierarchy there are fewer levels in between leading to more autonomy in decision making (Griffin, 2015). Dotti and Bamboo House have more flat hierarchies and hence there is more freedom in decision making. Furthermore the flat hierarchy will also lead to increased communication and better feedback and timely results.  However as the organization grows without a chain of command which often takes a backseat in flat hierarchies there could be much confusion. Woolworths is more inclined towards a tall hierarchy and hence has a stricter chain of command.
Being in the restaurant business it is critical that the organization should take charge of quality for both its tangible and intangible products. Service as such is an intangible product. Bamboo House gives equal importance to its tangible and intangible products. Dotti retail sells clothes and accessories and Woolworths supermarket sells food products, and hence both are more focused on the tangible products. However the intangible product such as service within their stores must also be considered as this can also affect business success (by affecting customer retention) as noted in research (Sivadas, & Baker-Prewitt, 2000).