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The first instance of the Euro debt crisis can be seen during month of October in year 2009, there was new government of Greece which said that the fiscal deficit for the nation would be higher than the previous estimate and it would equal to almost 12% of the total GDP of Greece. Thus Greece became the first nation to show the signs of the debt crisis. This was after huge spending by the government in an uncontrolled manner with almost non financial reforms for the nation (Brown, 2012). 


Later Spain also started feeling the pain with the unemployment of the country rising to 26%. Then came Portugal with its economic problems. If these nations started defaulting then other nations can follow the suit and would leave the Euro zone. This would lead to weakening of the financial clout of Europe.


Uncontrolled spending wasn’t the only reason on why these nations were facing the debt crisis. These nations had taken advantage of the low interest rates for almost a decade and then 2008 crisis emerged. There was a credit bubble being formed in the financial sectors as well the houses. There was a huge cross lending among the nations. Post the crisis the interest rates surges and this led to the financial sector being unable to pay the debt. Some European nations who had not been on a spending spree ran a deficit in the current account which was unsustainable. All these nations had borrowed heavily and they had tried to hide their deficits.  They had underreported their deficits which became exposed during the year 2009 and this started the Euro debt crisis. Governments and the private firms had taken huge loans which they were unable to pay. They did nothave the money to pay interest.