


在1920年代和1930年代,African American文化的第一次出现。这一时期后来被称为“哈莱姆文艺复兴。这一时期的音乐,文学,艺术,这种新的非裔美国文化–其他各种文化的事实得到了广泛的关注,世界各地。一方面有作者喜欢的作品像流沙Nella Larsen(1928)和(1929)通过掌声无处不在,另一方面有诗人Claude McKay。这些人描述了在奴隶制时期美国的非洲人民的痛苦和精神状态。这是当音乐形式爵士乐,摇摆和蓝调在美国文化中流行的时候。同时–黑人美国人来积极推进政治以及;一些当时著名的政治运动是美国黑人运动协会和全国有色人种协进会的。当时的一些著名的领袖Marcus Garvey的“回到非洲”运动的领袖。Charles Hamilton Houston,谁解决了打击种族不公?(博得利,1996)


They were denied education out of fear, that if they will get educated then they will lead rebellion against the slavery. So in order to suppress any rebellion from the slaves, the people of America practiced all ill ways to harass them mentally, including stripping them of with their traditional culture and values. African people used to worship natural forces like Sun, Wind, Earth, etc. but at the time of slavery they were not allowed to follow their prevalent beliefs, and were forced to follow Christian beliefs and practices. Many of the slaves were forcefully converted to Christians, and many got themselves converted due to starvation and lack of basic necessities. Although there were forceful conversions taking place, and the Black were not allowed to follow their beliefs, but still they managed to keep some of their core values alive with them, which they passed on to their generations, which led to the final mixture of both the cultures and giving birth to a new dynamic culture, influencing both the original cultures (Scott, 2011).

In 1920’s and 1930’s there was the first major appearance of the African American Culture. This period later came to known as Harlem Renaissance. During this period the music, literature, art and various other cultural facts of this new Afro – American culture got noticed widely round the world. On one side there were authors like Nella Larsen with works like Quicksand (1928) and Passing (1929) being applauded everywhere, on the other hand there were poets like Claude McKay. These people described the pain and mental state of the African people in America at the time of slavery. This was the time when the music forms Jazz, Swing and Blues gained popularity in the American culture. At the same time the Afro – American people came actively forward in politics as well; some of the notable political movements of that time were United Negro Movement Association and the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People. Some of the famous leaders of that period were Marcus Garvey, leader of the ‘Back to Africa’ movement. Charles Hamilton Houston, who resolved to fight racial injustice? (Bodley, 1996)