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Cultural Anthropology methodology in fieldwork includes Participant observation, Ethnography, Cross-cultural comparison and Multi-sited ethnography.
The theoretical foundation of cultural anthropology is based on cultural relativism. It is a theory that was established by Franz Boas in 1887. He stated that “civilization is not absolute but is relative”; he states further “our ideas and beliefs are correct fact as far as our civilization goes”. the totality of the mental and physical reactions and activities that characterize the behavior of the individuals composing a social group collectively and individually in relation to their natural environment, to other groups, to members of the group itself, and of each individual to himself.

There are many view points to understand a person can. Human body is subjected to laws of nature. A person behavior can be analyzed biological, physical and other non elementary factors.
At that time a lot many Afro – Americans decided to stay back in America, as they had nothing left there back in Africa, and also because now they have made a life of their own here in this new country (Kiyotaka., 1999). Afro – Americans formed the second largest minority group in USA. In 1790 when the Slavery was on it is extreme, they had the highest population counting to 19.3% of the total population and living mainly in the area of present day South Carolina.