

代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学

According to the literature, the over and under reaction of the market is based on the psychological reasons of investors. The under reaction is found to be the result of conservatism from the investors. This is based on fact as the reaction of the investors on previous information is different than the present information as they believe the stock will function as it performed previously.

代写论文 行为金融学

It is found that the representatives bias is one of the essential human behaviours as per the behavioural finance that results in overreaction. This is performed as the investor with recent information believes the same performance will continue in future and overestimates the security and meets with the disappointment resulted by the equilibrium. This overt and under reaction, results in the stock market bubble to emerge, grow and burst.