


Age, gender, socio economic status, culture are the factors that influence language development in children. In the case of Mandarin, there are far more complexities in the strokes of the alphabets in these languages when compared to English. In multilingual communities, there is a conflict in teaching methodologies. In the houses, the children are made to follow their conventional practices of language learning and it is found to be different in the case of schools. There is a significant westernization process that is found to have an impact in the teaching methodologies of the student. Successful language acquisition can be done only with longer exposure to a language and applying the language in various modal to gain proficiency of the language. In the case of language acquisition, the preschoolers are given only basic introduction and this needs to be changed.

Traditional Chinese schools follow a learning pattern where the children are made to listen and follow the commands of the teacher (Cohen, 2014). There is implicit obedience of the students and there is a structure in the learning process of the students. However, in the case of bilingual and trilingual communities, the teaching methodology is found to vary. In this case, the children are made to understand both the languages of English in schools and traditional Mandarin at home. These children are found to gain proficiency of both the languages over a period of time (Tse & Li, 2011).
Successful learning acquisition is done in the school by the following techniques. In the schools, the students are preliminarily given exposure to the language (Smith, 2014). They are made to understand the language and provide more exposure in the classroom. They are initially given exposure to the different vocabulary of the students (Tse & Li, 2011). They are made to read simple sentences out aloud. They are given opportunities to converse in the second language. The children are given group based learning experiences to practice the language (Huang et al., 2013). The children are given flashcards to learn the different words and made to converse in English. Successful learning methods have been identified as give more exposure to the language. These are some of the general methods of gaining proficiency over a language (Tse & Li, 2011). However, there should be best practices approach adopted by the individual schools and parents to help the child gain mastery over the language and use the language efficiently.

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