


Two main issues from the case study will be addressed here, which are how loss of language and cultural transmissions over generations will gradually result in the loss of language forever. Here mainstream language of Australia is understood as a problem, because it leads to the loss of the indigenous languages.
The second issue is that indigenous language learners and teachers have to start using the mainstream language in order to revive and sustain their own languages. Here mainstream language can be argued as a resource to be used for sustaining and reviving the local usages of indigenous languages.
Allwright & Bailey (1991) argued that teachers of a new language are also learners of the culture of the language. This is because language is deeply intertwined in culture and one cannot learn the language without leaning the culture. There are cultural backgrounds to language learning, and the teachers of a new language would be able to learn these by the mainstream languages that they are proficient in. This would give them the competency to understand the prejudices or biases against the new language (or in this case study, the indigenous language). They would be able to promote better ways of learning for their students based on their own learning. Better language policies can also be created in order to promote awareness as well.

Two key arguments from the literature are useful for the current case study. The first argument is the connection between language and cultural transmission. The argument made is that language is like a vehicle for cultural transmission over generations. This argument made in literature pinpoints how mainstream language as a deterrence for indigenous language and related cultural transmissions creates a problem for people. When denied the benefits of their native tongue, then they lose out on many things, like cultural competency, understanding their cultural background, cultural meanings, connotations, etc.
The second argument shows how mainstream language can in itself be used as a vehicle to support indigenous learning. Indigenous language learning when supported in the mainstream learning environment will help indigenous population understand their culture better. Here mainstream language is used as a resource for learning. It is no longer a problem or a barrier.

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