


日本汽车制造商获得了不易模仿的竞争地位,并在国际市场上保持了竞争地位。为了理解这种竞争立场的形成,有必要了解其形成的时间顺序。早在20世纪80年代,日本企业就因其生产效率而备受赞誉。丰田的实际生产力被认为是大多数国际工厂和运营的标准(Cusumano, 1998)。生产效率高,库存周转快。除了公司所遵循的良好实践之外,生产管理上的创新也是日本汽车制造业能够在竞争中领先的主要原因之一(Herrons & Hicks, 2008)。创新通常是原始的实践,或者是对一些原始实践的改进。就日本的生产方式而言,最初的批评之一是日本抄袭美国的汽车制造技术。

然而,事实并非如此。当美国制造业实体遭遇生产率和绩效问题时,在田纳西州、俄亥俄州和加利福尼亚州成立的日本企业被视为质量和生产率最高的企业。日本汽车制造商也没有抄袭欧洲的生产和管理模式。在20世纪30年代和50年代的室内试验中,日产和三菱被认为有助于带来这种竞争优势。日产和三菱的车型在一定程度上是建立在传统车型的基础上的。然而,人们认为,战后的丰田(Toyota)等制造商避免复制国际市场上许多其它制造商所依赖的技术。为他们的信念量身定做一个高效的生产系统似乎是丰田创新管理的核心(Cusumano, 2013)。


Japanese Automobile manufacturers achieved a competitive position that was not easily imitable and then maintained the competitive positioning in international markets. To understand the making of this competitive standpoint, it is necessary to understand the chronology of its making. Japanese firms have been applauded for their manufacturing efficiency from as early as the 1980s. The physical productivity of Toyota was seen to set the standards for most international plants and operations (Cusumano, 1998). High productivity was achieved by means of process efficiency and rapid inventory turnover. In addition to the good practices that were observed by the company, the innovations in production management were one of the main reasons that Japanese automobile manufacturing was able to move ahead competitively (Herrons & Hicks, 2008). Innovations are usually original practices or the improvements that are made on some original practices.In the case of the production styles of Japan, one of the initial criticisms were that Japanese copied automobile manufacturing from the techniques of the United States.

However, this was not true. When the US manufacturing entities suffered from productivity and performance issues the Japanese firms that were established in Tennessee, Ohio and California were seen to have higher quality and productivity than any other. Neither did the Japanese automakers copy the works of European production and management. In house experimentation in the 1930s and the 1950s of Nissan and Mitsubishi was seen to help bring this competitive advantage. To a certain extent the Nissan and Mitsubishi models were built on conventional ones. However, post war producers such as Toyota was seen to avoid copying the techniques that many others of the international market relied on. Tailoring an efficient production system that will suit their beliefs seemed to be core to Toyota’s innovation management (Cusumano, 2013).