


欧贝德时期第一个基本的社会结构,包括当地的酋长、祭司、农民和牧民的动物。随着对农业的依赖,粮仓,粮仓的初始托管,随着大量的农业用地(三分之一)躺在寺庙,王权的升级时间的力量和声称此前被认为是寺庙财产。在乌鲁克时期,“该”是谁忽略了寺庙的运营官员,而“villeins”谁曾在他们的下属。楔形刻泥板、油缸密封件和伞边碗是一些基本的挖掘结果,揭示在美索不达米亚社会早期,所有这些可以追溯到乌鲁克时期(Postgate 53)。同时强调在欧贝德时期陶器,乌鲁克时期铜器的出现。



The Ubaid period witnessed the first rudimentary social structures, comprising of local chieftains, priests, farmers and animal-herders. With increasing dependence on agriculture, granaries were built and while the initial custodianship of the granaries, along with a large chunk of the agricultural land (up to one third) lay with the temple, the power of kingship escalated with time and claimed what was earlier considered as temple property. During the Uruk Period, ‘Ensi’ were officials who overlooked the operations of temples, while ‘Villeins’ were the subordinates who worked under them. The cuniform-engraved clay tablets, cylinder seals and bevel-rimmed bowls are some of the prime excavated findings that throw light on Early Mesopotamian Society, and all of these date back to the Uruk Period (Postgate 53). While Pottery was emphasized on during the Ubaid Period, the Uruk Period witnessed the advent of Copper Artefacts.

An interesting sociological aspect of this period is the gradual decline in the position of women in society. The Ubaid Period and Early Uruk Period Settlements are known to have has equal representation of women in the Village ‘Council of Elders’. But towards the late Uruk Period and the rise of City States, the role of women started getting confined to household chores and child-raising. Despite this development, women were still entitled to inherit property as well as get married and divorced based on their free will. Rituals and festivals had an important place in society, and were associated with agricultural cycles, lunar phases, equinoxes, accomplishments of the reigning monarch etc. The practice of Slavery was not initially followed, but with increasing wars and conquests, it came into being (Matthews 33).