





Story of Moses illustrates the time of 1950s and its unique culture, culture of this time has been portrayed from the viewpoint of a 7-year-old Austrian Jew. Now the father is living in Canada, Moses mourns on his decision to nourish and raise his son in West Vancouver where the ordinary roads and pedestrian presence cover everyday living in rhododendrons and cherry blossoms (Milstein 150). During the time of 50s, Montreal holds a completely different image. But although being “a intricate potage of scarcity, slaughter chickens, the rag trade, Yiddish newspapers and Chinese laundries”(Page 150), during this time Moses feels sorry for his son because he will not get the chance to be in the touch of old memories and nostalgic, simple and lively surroundings of this old Montreal.

Though in the past time there were no luxuries and technologies like the present time but there was an imperceptible social connection with the people of the society which cannot be found in the time of his son’s childhood. While remembering his past author says that he brought his father lunch after finishing his school and the colleagues and friends of his father meet him with smiling faces, jokes and cheek pinching. But it seems that in the present time this trait is almost died out and during my son’s childhood these things have abolished from the society and no one has the time to talk with other humbly.