

自2015年以来,在线“拼车”应用公司优步(Uber)变得极端两极分化。优步的前景仍然受到风险投资公司的青睐,这从最近400亿美元的估值就可以看出。然而,该公司仍然决心疏远几乎所有其他公司(Sun和Edara 2015)。出租车司机一直被视为将优步(Uber)视为贪婪而不安全的竞争对手,迫使议员们将其挡在几个国际市场之外。围绕着几场公开辩论,人们更多地从Uber的冲突来讨论它,而不是它对重要价值观和公共产品的净影响。有关代写-Uber公司的发展分析和讨论如下:

The fundamental platform of sharing economy has resulted in the production of explosive start-up growth since the inception of technology market. Irrespective of opposition from unions, disrupted businesses, neighbourhoods and governments, Uber has been dealing with exponential growth (Schneider 2015). With the latest funding of 1.2 billion dollars by Uber, there has been a growth in the investment by 6,000 per cent since the last five years. The valuation of Uber has managed to reach 18 billion dollars, and has approximately 550 employees.
Uber has been facing a challenge to define itself across the future. Can it be considered as a service that offers competitive and democratic pricing, or luxury, service and convenience?
As the company introduced its app, the company put in efforts for balancing both convenience of rapid delivery of door- to- door service and mobile application, and competitive pricing. Uber has grown to be a tech giant having worth of more than 40 billion dollars. In terms of user acquisition, Uber has sky rocketed, while growing in more than 60 nations (Bonnell 2015). There is further an expected growth of workforce in bounds and leaps hitting yearly revenue of at least 10 billion dollars. Uber is a venture dealing with several controversies regarding regulation of driver and since recent times, there have been speculations regarding the operating cost of Uber. With some bumps involved in the path, there is a doubt regarding what can be done by Uber for retention of the users, competing with other international competitors and driving the success of economy. Uber plays a significant role in the integration of car hiring sector (Geradin 2015). As per a report of Washington Post, an excellent primer related to the industry was explained that the system of taxi service in a number of cities has major fragmentation along its dimensions. As a significant example, in Chicago, medallion owners were often found leasing their rights of operating in management based company. In turn, management companies have been leasing or purchasing cars while outfitting them as per the requirement of local regulations. Hence, there is a vast prospect of growth for Uber as it has been encouraging horizontal and vertical integration in the car hiring industry.
As Uber emerged, it had a significant impact on a number of services as these follow the business model of Uber (Kleiner 2015). There are a number of similar company offering services of ride sharing, and there are organizations willing to have a business as that of Uber such that there is delivery of products and services. Uber has initiated a signalling trend in the sector in which individuals are considered as the infrastructure instead of fleets of vehicles or office buildings. Uber is currently facing several challenges of marketing that include legal and regulatory issues both outside and inside the United States of America (Krueger 2015). Laws for the protection of consumers can be seen targeting the services of taxi, while Uber is known to be terming the services as “ride sharing”, and they consider themselves as the agent of individual contractors. Individual contractors are drivers. However, a number of court do not consider viewing the services similarly, while forcing the company to be in compliance with stopping business or licensing laws in specific areas (Mastracci 2015).
Irrespective of these challenges, Uber has been successful in becoming extremely popular among independent contractors and consumers. It has been claimed by a number of supporters that Uber revolutionized the sector of transportation services. Investors hold the clear belief that Uber will retain and enhance its growth in the longer run. Uber can be seen as having a bright future with several opportunities of expansion. Therefore, it is important for the company to ensure the compliance of laws and safety of the drivers and the rider (Schneider 2015). Uber also should be adopting certain controls for ensuring that driver who use their app show obedience towards related national laws. Uber needs to consider addressing all of the issues affecting the trust of governments and customers, for the achievement of market success in the longer run.

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