


企业的成功主要在于所采用的战略和该战略的实施(Headd 2003)。健康药剂业务是一项成功的业务,该业务的总利润为50万美元。在其10年的经营期内,所有的贷款都已还清,业务得到了扩展。健康汤剂使用对健康有益的中草药。也有回头客。有一些可用的分析方法可以用来确保企业的质量和成功。人们需要对需要达到的高度有一个清晰的认识,也需要对实现这一目标应该遵循的路线有一个清晰的认识。此外,人们应该能够证明所选择的路线是正确的(Teece 2010)。这里可以使用SWOT分析来确定在HP业务案例中应用的活力级别。SWOT描述了企业的战略因素(Pickton 1998)。

这些因素是企业的优势和劣势,识别与之相关的机会和威胁。此外,上面提到的与明确目标相关的几点也可以很容易地用SWOT分析来证明。健康药剂业务案例具有相关的优势和增长机会,同时业务也有一些不可忽视的弱点和威胁。以下是健康药水业务的SWOT分析(Hill 1997)。通过对以上图表的分析,我们可以在此运用核心竞争力的概念来克服SWOT分析所发现的威胁。核心竞争力是指企业的活动不同于竞争对手所进行的活动,企业相对于竞争对手具有优势(Javidan 1998)。因此,惠普应该采取更多的行动,使自己在竞争中独树一帜。


The success of a business lies primarily in the strategy which has been used and the implementation of that strategy (Headd 2003). Healthy Potion business is a successful engagement where the business is in overall profit of $500,000. In its ten year operating tenure, all the loans have been paid and business has expanded. The Healthy Potion uses Chinese herb which has health benefits. There are repeat customers as well. There are analytical methods available which can be used to ensure the quality and success of a business. One needs to have a clear picture about the heights which are required to be achieved and about a route which should be followed to achieve that. Also, one should be able to justify the route which is chosen (Teece 2010). SWOT analysis can be used here to determine the level of vigour applied during HP business case. SWOT describes the strategic factors for a business (Pickton 1998).

These factors are Strength and Weakness of the firm and to identify the Opportunity and Threats related to it. Also, the above mentioned points related to clear goals can be easily demonstrated using SWOT analysis. The Healthy Potion business case has associated strengths and opportunity to grow, at the same time the business has some weaknesses and threats which cannot be overlooked. Here is the representation of SWOT analysis for Healthy Potion business (Hill 1997).On analysing the above diagram one can apply the core competence concept here to overcome the threats which have been identified with the help of SWOT analysis. Core competence says about those activities of a firm which are different than the activities performed by the competitors and the firm has an advantage over it (Javidan 1998). So, the HP should be taking more of those activities which would make them stand unique in the competition.