


当他看到他的邻居本不是他认识的朋友时,他的恐惧达到了顶点。真正的恐惧来源于与外界隔绝的焦虑。不像典型的恐怖故事,用恐怖和吓人的怪物来激发读者的恐惧,怪物的本性被提升来提升角色。即使吸血鬼在每晚的边缘徘徊,渴望捕捉纳威并吸他的血,但理查德并没有告诉我们很多关于吸血鬼的信息。我们从这本书中得到的描述是,吸血鬼的特征是冷血动物,包括坏的宽度和白色的牙齿(Matheson 170-172)。


很明显,理查德并没有试图使用传统的恐怖故事因素:血腥的形象和可怕的怪物。相反,孤独是理查德用来给人们的心灵带来最深的恐惧的工具。具体来说,这是人类追求友谊的冲动,这也是为什么我们生活在一个社会互动而不是单一个体生活的社会。在他的《我是传奇》的评论中说,在《我是传奇》的评论中,作者对恐怖的原创性进行了恰当的表达,他展示了通过实现特定的文化,孤独的本质。这些预言和信念在自然中是无意识的,在社会中发生,而这种消失的结构与社会(Biodrowski 25-30)是合理的。考虑到内维尔的情况,他在心理和心理上都与外界隔绝了。事实上,他只是地球上的普通人,使他成为地球上的局外人或所谓的外星人。


His fear reaches the climax when he sees that his neighbor Ben is not his friend that he knows. The true fear originates from the anxiety of being isolated from the rest of the world. Unlike the typical horror stories that use the horrifying and threatening monster to inspire the reader’s fear, the nature of the monster is pushed up to enhance the character. Even though vampire howls and prowls within the margin every night dying to capture Neville and suck his blood, Richard does not tell us a lot of information about the vampires. The description that we get from the book is that vampires are characterized by the nature of being cold blooded with consisting of bad breadth and white tooth (Matheson 170-172).

It is obvious that Richard is not trying to use the traditional horror story factors: bloody image and terrifying monster. Instead, the loneliness is the tool that Richard uses to bring in the deepest fear in people’s mind. To be specific, it is a human impulse for us to pursue companionship, which is why we are living in a society with social interaction instead of single individual life. The webmaster of Clinefantastique online, Steve Biodrowski, says in his review of I Am Legend, the originality in the horror is being appropriately expressed by the author who shows the dead nature of being alone by realizing the particular culture. The predictions and the beliefs are a part unconscious in nature which took place in the society, and the disappearance is being appropriately structured with considering the society (Biodrowski 25-30). As the case of Neville is considered, he is mentally and psychologically isolated from the outside world. The fact that he is only the normal human being on earth makes him the outsider or so-called alien on earth.