丹佛论文代写:真实与虚假真相的渲染: 桑塔格在当代


丹佛论文代写:真实与虚假真相的渲染: 桑塔格在当代


丹佛论文代写:真实与虚假真相的渲染: 桑塔格在当代

Nostalgia is the main aspect reflected in the photograph as it hides the human emotions like pain and agony or fear suffered by the gleaming eyes reflected in the photograph. The nostalgia is present because humans would have gone through similar sentiments before. It can be seen and felt, but the situation in which it is felt cannot be easily associated with. It is a tell tale sign of a piece of sentiment embedded in each and every individual’s life. Photography promotes nostalgia (Sontag, 1973). Sontag further more states that sense of pathos is being advocated, although not actively shown. Vivian Sassen’s photograph presents this pathos. The person is presented with sadness, there is a sense of something melancholy and the viewer gets the feeling that they are part of another person’s mortality and feelings. The viewer transits from being a passive listener to an active participant.

Sontag (1973) further more presents that the photograph could indicate a pseudo-presence or an absence. This means the photograph need not effectively portray reality. It could by showing only some details present a false picture and this would incite the viewer. In this picture of Vivian Sassen, the viewer would be incited because they would not be able to understand what has evoked the emotions of the waif like lady; also a sense of emotional information is constructed. The lady is a model who is basically portrayed to sell the products of carven. However the frame constructed around her speaks otherwise, the background is hidden from context.