


由于曼尼托巴省酋长大会(Manitoba Chiefs Assembly)主席菲尔·方丹(Phil Fontaine)就住校内广泛存在的虐待儿童问题发表声明,人们对住校儿童生活的兴趣有所增加。巴兹尔·约翰斯顿的书提供了他在安大略省北部圣彼德·克拉弗学校经历的见证。这本书对当时寄宿学校的教育实践作了个人的叙述。约翰斯顿是一位民族学家、学者和Anishnabe作家。他在两个不同的时期就读于印度寄宿学校,一个是1939年至1944年,另一个是1947年至1950年。这本书包括了他在西班牙寄宿学校的经历。在引言中,他介绍了这些学校在四五十年代的目的。他指出,印度文化被认为是劣等的。约翰斯顿的解释包括他和其他大约150名印第安男孩一起上学的经历。巴兹尔是一个很有天赋的说书人,他讲述了自己来到学校的经历,他被评为第43名,以及他沉闷的学校生活。



The interest in the life of children in the residential schools has been increased by the statement of Chief Phil Fontaine (Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs) about the extensive child abuse within residential schools. Basil Johnston’s book provides the testimony of his experiences at St. Peter Claver’s school in northern Ontario. This book provides a personal account of the educational practices in the residential schools of those times. Johnston is an ethnologist, a scholar and an Anishnabe writer. He attended Indian residential school during two different periods, one is from 1939 to 1944 and the second is 1947 to 1950. The book includes his experiences at the Spanish Residential School. In the introduction he informed about the purpose of these schools in forties and fifties. He notes that Indian culture was considered to be inferior.Johnston’s explanations included the account of his schooling experience with the experience of about hundred and fifty other Indian boys. Basil being a gifted storyteller, he narrates his arrival at the school, his label as number forty-three, and his dull school life.

The author also wrote about the experience of other students and their ways of resisting the strictness. “Were it not for the spirit of the boys, every day would have passed according to plan and schedule, and there would have been no story.” He also stated that, “we were taught to be resourceful. But unless one has a sense of worth and dignity, resourcefulness, intelligence and shrewdness are of little advantage.”In the book the word “Spanish” has been used as the synonym for the Spanish Indian Residential School. It refers to students, who studied there. “Spanish! It was a word synonymous with residential school, penitentiary, reformatory, exile, dungeon, whippings, kicks, slaps, all rolled into one”. Johnston writes that though on the record, the policy of the school was not to “Un-Indianize” the boys, but this is exactly what was being done there. “The line generally taken by the instructors was that Indian culture was inferior,” and it was “boasted that `not a word of Indian is heard from our boys after six months.’ This was achieved through strict discipline and rigorous punishment”.