




加州的内陆帝国排名第三。它描绘了一个增长最快的速度,排名仅次于圣何塞和旧金山。这篇新闻文章清楚地说明了这个县发展和繁荣的原因。这里的关键评价是给地方和州政府的。尽管该县已经准备好发展新的住宅浪潮和基于商业的开发,但这一障碍将确保该地区的基础设施能够容纳开发人员并吸引开发人员(Nelson 2015)。教育也被认为是一项挑战,以确保有足够的受过适当教育的雇员通过县内各组织开放的较新的组织进行招聘。


Governments at all level play an essential role in economic development and progress enhancement of a local community. In order to depict the role played by government in local economic development, a news article has been selected which outlines the key reasons behind a community’s development. The community selected is San Bernardino County and the news was published in The Sun Local Government newspaper. The newspaper informed on how the markets of the real estate and job have grown within the Inland Empire. Credit has expanded with bank’s lending more with rebounding economy and there is enough land availability vacancy for development of residences, commerce as well as industries.

The inland Empire, in California is at the 3rd rank. It depicts a rate of fastest growth, ranked right after San Jose as well as San Francisco. The news article stated clear the reasons for which the county has considerably grown and flourished. The key appraisal here was given to the local and the state government. While this county has poised towards new residential wave and commerce based development, the barrier will ensure that infrastructure is in position for accommodating developers and attracting developers within this region (Nelson 2015). Education is also considered as a challenge with regard to ensuring that there are sufficiently trained employees with proper education to be recruited through newer organization which is open for organizations within the county.