




美学、安全和保障问题:据新闻报道,达令港到处都是垃圾,码头和人行道的大部分都被污染了。环保组织“回旋镖联盟”(Boomerang Alliance)对许多这样的海湾地区进行了评估,指出达令港每1000平方米至少有2456个垃圾或垃圾。此外,水中也存在垃圾(Collins, 2013)。这威胁到了这个地方的美感。它还威胁到游客的安全和保障。人们不愿意预订酒店,因为他们觉得酒店的环境不安全。

内部管理不善的问题:“该区域的垃圾比其他任何地方都多,除了悉尼北部穆尼穆尼的F3。位于西部腹地的库克河是受影响最严重的水道。人们坐在达令港周围的台阶上,把他们的包装留在台阶上。没有人清理它,所以一夜之间它流入港口”(柯林斯,2013年,第。3 – 4)。此外,还有雨水排水沟流入港口,带来了垃圾。现在的位置会对凯悦酒店的入住率产生负面影响。这一论点在理论上得到了支持,具体如下。

环境保护和废物管理控制不足的问题:垃圾危机和对环境的影响正在影响旅游业和酒店业(旅游影响,2017年)。旅游业和酒店业是高污染者(科马克,2015年)。大多数旅游景点被认为与垃圾产生作斗争(Busuttil, 2016)。在这种情况下,酒店行业会受到影响,因为游客或游客的流失会导致酒店入住率下降。在这种情况下,酒店发现自己需要处理这些问题,作为其可持续发展和增长计划的一部分。如果没有更好的环境保护措施和废物管理措施,人们前往达令港或选择在港口附近居住的机会将会下降。


There are many elite brands of hotels in Sydney, and even Darling Harbour where Hyatt Regency is present; sports hotels like Sofitel which offers quality for value are present. Hyatt regency has brand reputation, but still has to set itself apart in some unique strategy to get back competitively.

The hotel industry of Australia is quite strong in the past years. Hotel sector of Australia is highly fragmented, but the performance is strong. REVPAR revenue per available room increased from its previous values by around 3.6 per cent in 2017. Occupancy was driven up by around 66 per cent (Cummins, 2016).

The location as presented in analysis of strategic situation was highlighted as a strength. However, this strength could be an issue for Hyatt Regency, especially considering the fact that Darling Harbour where the hotel is situated is highly polluted. The following are the issues at the Harbor:

Issue of aesthetics, safety and security: Darling Harbour is full of litter as per press releases and much of its pier and walkways are seen to be full of pollution. An assessment on many such bay areas as established by the Boomerang Alliance, an environment group highlighted the Darling Harbour as having at least 2456 rubbish pieces or trash per 1000 square metres. In addition, there is rubbish present on water (Collins, 2013). This threatens aesthetic look of the place. It also threatens the safety and security of the tourists at the site. People will be reluctant to book into a hotel where they feel unsafe in the surroundings of the hotel.

Issues of mismanaged internal governance: “The area contained more litter than any other site, bar the F3 at Mooney Mooney north of Sydney. The Cooks River in the inner west was the worst affected waterway. People sit on steps around Darling Harbour and leave their packaging on them. Nobody cleans it off so overnight it flows into the harbour” (Collins, 2013, para. 3-4). In addition, there are storm water drains flowing into the harbour bringing rubbish with them. Now the location will have a negative impact on the occupancy of Hyatt regency. This argument is supported in theory, presented as follows.

Issues of fewer controls for environmental protection and waste management: Garbage crises and the impact on environment are affecting the tourism and hospitality industry (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Tourism and hospitality industry are high polluters (Cormack, 2015). Most of the sites of tourism are seen to struggle with waste generation (Busuttil, 2016). The hospitality industry suffers in this context, as the loss of tourists or visitors to a place leads to lesser occupancy rate in the hotels. Hotels in this case find themselves in the need to handle these issues as part of their sustainability and growth initiative. With no better controls for environmental protection efforts and waste management, the chances of people visiting darling harbour or electing to stay somewhere near the harbour would go down.

Addressing this issue will have positive impacts for the hotel. The hotel will be able to get more positive occupancy rate in future if the environment issue is tackled. Local environment threat reduction will drive up visitors to the area (Tourism Impacts, 2017). Attractiveness of the place and attractiveness of the hospitality destination improves. Without the issue management, it would be difficult for Hyatt Regency to compete with other hotels that are in Sydney, but situated away from the perils of the harbour.
