


主要的好处是“更多的钱”。即使是最低级别的业务经理,也比“非决策”工作挣得多。例如,珀斯的销售助理平均年薪为48K澳元(Payscale, 2017)。然而,珀斯的业务经理平均年薪为7.6万澳元,最高可达15万澳元。此外,经理还获得了巨额奖金、免费假期和交通折扣等福利。第二个好处是“更多的责任”。由于工作概要的性质,业务经理被赋予了更多对业务维持至关重要的职责,例如,指定供应商。正确的供应商对产品的质量至关重要,因此会影响公司的品牌形象。第三个好处是“更多经验”。一个能够应对复杂的前线挑战的业务经理将有机会晋升到总经理甚至总经理的职位,并拥有同样的资格。此外,随着员工在业务管理层级的晋升,不同管理职能和行业之间的差别开始消失,这提供了一个获得跨领域经验的机会。

然而,商业管理的前景也有其自身的缺点,这些缺点根深蒂固地存在于工作中。最主要的缺点是需要做出“更艰难的决定”。例如,这个工作角色需要解雇一个最喜欢的员工,因为他的低绩效。因此,如果组织需要裁员,业务经理就是被委托选择被解雇员工的人。这些决定会使他们不必要地不受欢迎。这份工作的第二个缺点是“压力更大”。在这种情况下,压力将跨越一系列的问题,从员工的需求,如增量和假期等,在业务绩效的挑战(Mariotti & Glackin, 2014)。此外,这些挑战需要单独解决。在许多情况下,经理必须对员工严加监督,如果有人把文件写下来,经理就要为他的行为负责。这个工作角色的第三个缺点显然是“更多的工作”。这可以从“加薪”中得出结论。然而,工作压力和它的绝对数量延伸到晚上,周末和许多情况下的授权假期。此外,如果一个业务经理身体不适,在一个地方也没有其他选择。


Organisations, to function properly with its day-to-day operations, utilize the Business Management division that constitutes of Managers of various hierarchies. The role of a manager is to oversee a portion of the daily operations and functions under his/her purview (Hammer, 2015). From the business perspective, it allows for the production of the goods of services efficiently and also helps the consumers, to procure the required goods and services from a retail store of an office. Due to their importance, even a frontline business management job like Business Manager, Business Development Manager or the Operations manager is deemed prestigious. However, prestige does have its shortcomings.

The primary benefit is “more money”. A business manager even at its lowest level earns more money than a “non-decision making” job. For example, a Sales Associate at Perth will earn an average of AU$48K per year (Payscale, 2017). However, a Business Manager at Perth will earn an average of AU$ 76K per year and it can go up to AU$ 150K per year. Further, a manager is bestowed with benefits like huge bonus, free vacation and transport discounts etc. The second benefit is “more responsibility”. Due to the nature of the job profile a Business Manager is entrusted with more responsibilities that are critical to the sustenance of the business, for example, appointment of a supplier. The correct supplier is critical to the quality of the products and hence, can affect the brand image of the company. The third benefit is “more experience”. A business manager who has been addressing intricate frontline challenges has the career opportunity to rise up to the position of General Manager and even the Managing Director of the company with the same qualification. Further, as an employee climbs up the ladder in the Business Management Hierarchy, the distinctions between different management functions and industries start to dissolve and this provides an opportunity to gain experience across domains.

However, the prospect of Business Management does have its own shortcomings which are ingrained into the job profile. The primary disadvantage is the need to make “more tough decisions”. For example, this job role will require to fire a favourite employee due to his low performance. Hence, if the organisation requires to lay off, a business manager is the person who will be entrusted to choose the employee(s) who are to be laid off. These decisions can make them unnecessarily unpopular. The second shortcoming of the job is “more pressure”. The pressure, in this case, will span a host of issues from employee demands like increment and vacation etc. to challenges in the business performance (Mariotti & Glackin, 2014). Further, these challenges will be required to be addressed alone. In many cases, the manager has to breathe down the necks of the employees and if someone puts down the paper, the manager will be held responsible for his actions. The third disadvantage of this job role is clearly ‘more work’. It can be concluded from “increased pay”. However, the work pressure and its sheer volume extend to the nights, weekends and in many cases across the authorized vacations. Further, a business manager does not have any alternative at a place if they are physically sick.

Hence, it is clear that this Management role is highly important not just by its nature but due to its function. The job role provides for a hefty salary as well as various perks. The role is entrusted with critical decision making responsibilities. However, all these fairy talesdo have a catch. The job roles require taking various uncomfortable decisions which can make the individual unpopular and requires extensive consumption of personal space.
