


就像它在色情的定义中被注意到的那样,它是视觉的,包含了所有的性活动,意思是性唤起。色情产业基本上是为观众或读者的性唤起描绘性关系、联系和活动。这个概念是色情文学的基础。可以说,任何与“性”有关的东西都可以安全地说成是色情作品的一部分。本质上的性是色情作品的主要和最重要的必要条件(Watson, 2010)。它有男演员和女演员在彼此身上进行性活动这在本质上是色情的,这将是同样的事情这将是同一行业的商业化因素。



Like it has been noticed in the definition provided for pornography says that it is visuals which contain all like of sexual activities, mean for sexual arousal. Porn industry is basically portrayal of sexual relations, connections and activities for the viewers or the reader’s sexual arousal. This concept is the basis of pornography. It can be said that anything related to “sexual” can be safely said to be a part of porn. Things being sexual in nature are the main and the most important requisite of pornography (Watson, 2010). It has actors and actresses who perform sexual activities on one another that have to erotic in nature, and it will be the same thing which would be the commercialization factor of the same industry.

Thus, the relation of pornography to the said concept leads us further into the discussion, which is commercialization and pornography.The porn industry is one of the biggest known in the twenty first century. Though the origin goes back decades earlier, it became more popular and open in the 1990s when people started being more open to this industry. This also meant that more people were paying to watch more of it, and at the same time more people were being engaged and employed in the same. Sexual activities are portrayed in pornography for commercial gains.