essay 代寫:徵收所得稅


essay 代寫:徵收所得稅

essay 代寫:徵收所得稅

essay 代寫:徵收所得稅

The annual “income tax” of the company is based on the statutory rates, income and tax planning. Tax based items are evaluated as per the updated tax laws prevalent in that country. Based on the available financial resources, the company evaluates it tax benefits. The deferred tax and liabilities are determined by the occurrence of a temporary difference between the assets and liabilities and tax base rates. However, the effect of tax rates gets reversed. The evaluation is done by laws of local, state and the international income tax. The company ensures that the taxes are collected and submitted to the government authority on a net basis. Therefore, the treatment of items under taxes is done in accordance with the international and national regulating bodies under tax authorities (Coca- cola, 2015).

essay 代寫:徵收所得稅
The next item of “property, plant, and equipment” are treated at cost. The expenses incurred in terms of repairs and maintenance of the assets are not evaluated since they are revenue expenditures. Depreciation of fixed assets is the important part in asset treatment according to the international accounting standards. The company applied the usage of straight line method in the calculation of depreciation. The methods are revised and checked periodically by the company. Moreover, depreciation is not recorded when a disposable asset is classified for sale in that particular year. Overall, accounting treatment and methods are checked consistently according to International Accounting Standards (Coca- cola, 2015).