


消费者对产品的感知是消费者通过对市场营销(David, 2006)传播的品牌信息进行解读而得出的产品的感知价值。虽然使用产品或服务的实际体验会有所不同,但感知是主要动机。知觉被分为三种不同的形式。自我感知理论认为,消费者对产品自身价值的自我感知或产品对环境的影响,或社会消费的感知和同伴压力是他们购买产品的原因。在这里,他们可能会把购买产品的需要归因于他们自己。其次,消费者的感知也可以基于价格优势。消费者感知到的金钱的质量和价值可以驱使他们在大规模定制中做出选择。


现在的研究表明,大规模定制倾向于增加服装零售的满意度,所以假设大客户的满意度与大客户相似,那么可以说他们未来的购买将基于满足他们最初的认知的期望(Poddar et al, 2009)。第三,利益感知是重要的。它通常在食品工业中更常见的用途是宣称某些食品对消费者有好处,可以促使消费者购买。在加码行业中,媒体文章显示,加码行业存在着一种社会污名,这种污名甚至可能限制消费者在有选择的情况下寻找合适的服装。这可能会挑战大规模定制,从这个角度来看,更多当前的主要数据可能会有所帮助。


Consumer perception of a product is the perceived value of the product that the consumer derives by interpreting the brand information disseminated by marketing (David, 2006). While the actual experience of using the product or service would be different, the perception is what serves as a major motivation. Perception is divided into three different forms. Studies arguing the self-perception theory state that the consumer self-perception of value of the product to themselves or the impact of product on environment, or perception of social consumption and peer pressure are some reasons why they buy a product. Here they might attribute the need to buy the product to themselves. Secondly, consumer perception could also be based on price advantage. Quality and value for money as perceived by the consumer could drive them towards making a choice in mass customization.

Now research studies show mass customization tend to increase satisfaction in clothing retail, so assuming similar satisfaction for the plus size customer, it could be said that their purchase in future would be based on expectations to meet their initial perceptions (Poddar et al, 2009). Thirdly, benefit perception is significant. It usually finds more common use in the food industry as claims of how certain food is good for the consumer, can move the customer to buy it. In the case of the plus size industry, media article shows that a social stigma exists on plus size and this stigma could even restrict consumer from searching for appropriate clothing even when given the options. This could challenge mass customization, and more current primary data from this perspective could help.