


在《国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)的有罪判决》中,已经指出的问题表明,在克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)担任法国财政部长期间,滥用公共资金。事件发生后,她没有被送进监狱,但她必须为她所犯的罪行支付罚金。有鉴于此,总部设在华盛顿的国际货币基金组织(IMF)的立场被认为是站不住脚的,她不得不面对许多问题,以便参与数十亿美元的救助计划(《纽约时报》,2016年)。除了她之外,前任多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩也曾与她接触过,她也曾因IMF的问题而被指出。这一事件引起了对国际货币基金组织的批评。对某些国籍的个人和他们的法律问题给予最高高级职位的做法似乎是批评的主要焦点。

在这篇文章中“国际货币基金组织谈到希腊救助计划,特朗普将与日本的贸易领袖会面,这一问题表明了通货膨胀率上升的解决方案。由于这一问题,墨西哥比索的贬值和汽油价格的解除管制在一开始就被指出。因此,这导致了近二十年来通货膨胀率的增加,同时比索也得到了适当的恢复(《时代》,2017年)。北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)重新谈判的影响增加了投资者的不确定性担忧(Moreno et al., 2016)。除了这些问题之外,欧元区的影响还被一位银行领导人与特朗普讨论。特朗普必须经历许多有关货币政策和欧元区政治统一的问题。为了避免特朗普的言论,德拉吉不得不面对许多有关欧元区通胀上升的问题。欧元区的影响尚不清楚。市场对这些问题存在不确定性。这些需要解决,以增加资本流动。


In the article “Guilty Verdict for I.M.F. Chief Christine Lagarde: A Primer”, the issues that have been indicated shows the misuse of the public funds while Christine Lagarde was working as a finance minister of France. After this incident, she was not sent to the jail, but she had to pay the penalty for the crime indicated to her. With this, the position of the IMF based in Washington was indicated to be on the shaky grounds, and she had to face many questions for the participation in the multibillion-dollar bailout (New York Times, 2016). Apart from her, the predecessor Dominique Strauss-Kahn was also encountered with her who had also been indicated for the cause of the issue undertaken for the IMF. This incident has caused increased critique towards the IMF. The practice of awarding the top senior position to individuals from certain nationalities and their issues with the laws seems to be the main focus of the critique.

In the article “I.M.F. to Talk of Greek Bailout, and Trump Will Meet Japan’s Leader on Trade”, the issue indicated shows the addressing rate for the rising inflation. Due to this issue, the weakening of the Peso is seen in Mexico and the deregulation of the gasoline prices at the beginning is indicated. Henceforth, this leads to the increment of the inflation for almost two decades and also the peso is appropriately recovered (Times, 2017). The impact of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) renegotiation has added to the uncertainty fears in the investors (Moreno et al., 2016). Other than these issues, the effect of the euro zone is discussed with Trump by a bank leader. Trump had to go through a lot of questions related to the monetary policies and the political unity regarding the euro zone. To avoid the comments of the Mr. Trump, Mr. Draghi has to face a lot of questions regarding the rising of the inflation of the euro zone. The impact of euro zone is not yet known. There is uncertainty in the markets regarding these issues. These needs to be resolved in order to increase capital flow.