


为了达到目标而走上混乱道路的组织通常会忽略时间管理。这一因素由于缺乏一个多产的行动计划而得到补充,导致在过程的初始阶段出现缺陷(Henry, 2015)。最初阶段的失败会促使管理者强迫员工在特定的截止日期内完成任务,这通常会以失败告终,因为员工不能利用错误的开始,并面临严重的时间短缺。如果管理人员强调按照平衡的时间管理计划进行战略规划的重要性,那么就可以取得预期的结果。危机管理是导致时间管理缺陷的另一个因素。危机管理包括对任务优先级的模糊。员工不确定首先要完成的任务(Neupane et al., 2012)。紧急、重要和不必要的任务是组织中发现的不同类型的任务。在危机管理中,员工往往会完成不必要的任务,从而浪费时间,管理者无法达到指定的目标。
琼斯先生的人力资源团队必须制定一个灵活而有效的时间管理计划。制定时间管理计划涉及一系列不同的活动,包括管理者和员工的个人发展、个人审计、目标设定和优先级以及任务授权(Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013)。这些活动可以通过一个平衡的计划来执行,这个计划是考虑到与雇员利用时间有关的某些问题而制定的。平衡时间管理计划应包括的基本步骤如下。时间管理技巧对管理者和员工都是必要的。时间管理技能包括管理者监控和跟踪目标的能力,以及为实现目标而分配的时间框架(Henry, 2015)。任务的数量和完成任务的性质也反映了组织在时间管理方面的技能。员工或经理判断任务优先级的能力是时间管理技能的指标。


Organizations which embark on a disorderly path for attaining objectives generally lose focus on time management. This factor is complemented by the absence of a prolific action plan which results in flaws in the initial stages of a process (Henry, 2015). The failures in initial stages provoke managers to force employees to complete tasks within a particular deadline which generally ends in failure as employees cannot capitalize on a false start and face acute shortage of time. If the managers had stressed on the importance of strategic planning in accordance with a balanced time management plan then the desired outcome could have been achieved. Crisis management is another factor which results in flawed time management. Crisis management involves ambiguity on the priority of tasks. Employees are uncertain regarding the task to be performed first (Neupane et al., 2012). Urgent, important and unnecessary tasks are the different types of tasks which are found in an organization. During crisis management, employees tend to complete unnecessary tasks and thus end up wasting time and mangers are unable to attain the specified target.
The HR team of Mr. Jones must formulate a flexible yet functional time management plan. Devising a time management plan involves a varying set of activities which include personal development of managers and employees, personal audits, goal setting and prioritization as well as delegation of tasks (Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013). These activities can be executed through a balanced plan which is derived from consideration of certain issues and questions related to the utilization of time by employees. The essential steps which shall be included in a balanced time management plan are described below.Time management skills are necessary for managers and employees alike. Time management skills comprise of a manager’s abilities to monitor and keep track of goals and the timeframe assigned for achieving them (Henry, 2015). The amount of tasks and the nature of tasks completed also reflect the skills of an organization in time management. The capabilities of an employee or manager to judge the priority of a task are indicators of time management skills.