


中国人民想要一起工作解决冲突和问题做一个协作的方法。中国不喜欢西方文化的个人主义和不容忍的风格由面向西方风格的公司管理实践。这将创建一个冲突公司这两家公司的员工都来自不同的背景。表达式:直接使用表达式和传统的公司。中国人使用传统的表情和美国人交流时使用的直接表达式。这是不尊重中国的文化给直接的答案或表达式同时沟通。关系对中国的文化很重要,但美国人在这方面是相反的。美国人物质和关系在美国文化中并不考虑到重要性。通信成为一个障碍这两家公司的员工。操作可以威胁完整的合资企业,因为沟通渠道薄弱。中国直接美国人的意见和战术的意见可以创建一个公司的主要冲突。这两个公司的管理风格是不同的,在长安公司的权威和领导水平是权威。在这种风格的批评并不欢迎,员工需要根据他们的领导的命令行动。这是完全相反的福特汽车公司和美国文化,因为管理风格是平的,员工有权力很容易与公司领导沟通。美国人给他们的员工权力在决策过程和开放的批评,因为他们相信他们的员工的意见和建议。公司致力于自己的弱点和文化差异(Richard,et al . 2013年)。


Chinese people want to work together so conflicts and issues can be resolved doing a collaborative approach. Chinese do not like the western culture of individualism and they do not tolerate the style of management practiced by western style oriented companies. This creates a conflict between both the companies as the employees of both companies are coming from a different background. Expressions like: direct and traditional expressions are used by both the companies. Chinese use traditional expressions and Americans use direct expressions while communicating. It is disrespectful in the culture of china to give direct answers or expressions while communicating. Relationships are important for Chinese culture but the Americans are opposite in this regard. Americans are materialistic and relationships are not given that importance in American culture. The communication becomes an obstacle for the employees of the both the companies. Operations can be threat full for the joint venture because the communication channels are weak. Direct opinions of Americans and tactical opinions of Chinese can create a major conflict for the company. The management styles of both the companies are different and the level of authority and leadership in Changan Company is authoritative. In this style criticisms are not welcomed and the employees need to act according to the orders of their leadership. This is totally opposite in Ford motor company and American culture because the management style is flat and employees are given authority to communicate easily with the leadership of the company. Americans give authority to their employees in the decision making process and are open to criticisms because they believe on the ideas and suggestions of their employees. Both the companies have worked on their weaknesses and the cultural differences (Richard, et al. 2013).