





In preparing the SRS, specified the user characteristics, user expectations and more. This would form part of the testing specifications later on as the project is developed. There are four main points about software requirements specification, and in this the project is defined. The project needs to make use of a real time feedback system and booking system. It needs a helpdesk or a user support system and also a stock auditing system. The primary challenges that I faced in my allotment of the work was that I felt the different source requirements for the project were too complex to be presented as one source requirement. I have some internship experience and I have observed that in real world projects, so much of roll outs would not be accepted in one project phase. There would be much testing and fixing later if it was. So in preparing a requirements specification for such a big project as such was a little daunting for me.

So I believed the best way to achieve it was not focus on all the tasks for the project, as in there are so many subtasks under each task which could hence be a project by itself. Secondly, there are also issues in the form of developing each of these task requirements in such a way, that the vendor can propose solutions. I believed for each of the functional business requirements that I wrote in the RFP I could very well critique and expand upon in many more ways. An RFP that is not in detail and not well written might fail to answer some of the queries of the vendors and hence would lose its sense of purpose. In future when I work on requirements specifications I would make sure that all the different specification details are identified and are well collected.