


在当前工作的劳动力具有不同的特点和不同的角度,在同一时间的企业管理者往往以适应管理自己的一代的风格,而不是考虑到管理的多元化的员工队伍。在不同的工作人员之间的冲突已被报告的2 /第三的人力资源专业人士,只有1 /第三的组织工作,以减少在不同的劳动力之间的摩擦。虽然劳动力有不同的形成方式,生活事件和信仰,这些不同的功能不应该在组织中的紧张局势。然而,多样化的劳动力组织目标相同的目标在工作场所是一个良好的工作生活平衡,机会服务于广大客户,在一个动人的方式,寻找机会发展专业技术(艾尔斯等人,2010)。



The workforce in the current workplace has different traits and different perspectives and at the same time the managers of the firms tend to adapt the style of management of their own generation instead of taking into consideration the management of the diverse workforce. Some degree of conflict amongst the diverse workforce has been reported by 2/3rd of the HR professionals and only 1/3rd of the organization work towards reducing the frictions amongst the diverse workforce. Even though the workforce has diverse formative styles, life events and beliefs, t these diverse features shouldn’t formulate tension in the organization. However, the diverse workforce in the organization aims for the same objective in the workplace which is a good work-life balance, an opportunity to serve the clients in an engaging manner and finding opportunities to professionally develop(Iles et. al. 2010).

It is the role of the managers to ensure that the needs of the diverse workplace are matched with the agenda of the organization. It has been seen that new efficiencies in the organization could be realized with an integrated workforce. New ideas and new solutions for solving mission challenges could be created by collaborating and learning from the diverse workforce. There are several companies ranging from advertising to technology which are pairing the younger employees with the upper management to get effective results; this practice is known as reverse mentoring. The benefit from this practice is bifold as the younger employees are teaching their mentees regarding the technology, social media and the trends in the workplace. At the same time the younger workforce are engaged in such a manner that the overall output of the employees is raised.