


欧洲成功的主要原因是不同类型的重大事件对其影响最大。欧洲的革命开始于16世纪初,始于1453年君士坦丁堡的沦陷,美国人的发现和旋转木马的衰落。与此同时,1517年马丁路德派的改革也影响了他们(Hughes, 2013, p.55)。在英国,teyh modern是由都铎王朝时期亨利七世的胜利开创的。现代欧洲早期的历史通常是从15世纪初开始的背后的原因是启蒙运动时期以及17和18世纪的理性时代。这些在欧洲的胜利为他们提供了更多的权力,这样他们就可以统治其他欠发达国家。



The main reason behind the success of the Europe is different types of major events that impacted them in highest extent. The revolution in the Europe was started in the beginning of the 16th century and it was started with the fall of the Constantinople in the year of the 1453, the discovery of the Americans and the fall of the spin. Along with that, reformation of the Martin Luthers in the year of the 1517 also affected them (Hughes, 2013, p.55). In the England, teyh modern in the England was started by the victory of the Henry VII in the time of the Tudor period. Early day’s history of the modern Europe was usually seen from the beginning of the 15th century and the reason behind that were the age of the enlightenment and the age of the reason during the 17th and the 18th century. Those victories in the Europe provide them more power so they can rule on other less developed country.

It is seen that in the later time Europe has rules over different less developed Asian country.Therefore, from the above discussion it can be stated that powers has changed its route in different region. At modern age, the American has the power to rule the whole world but after different wars in the world the Europeans has get the power and after that they rules on different less developed country. The country that has the power wants to rule on the other weak country to gain the victory easily. However, in the recent times, different individuals want that type of power by which they can rule on other individual and develop their current status.