留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距


留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距

众所周知,世界各地的每个领域和部门都存在性别歧视。虽然世界在进步,许多组织一直在为妇女的平等权利而斗争,但人们显然注意到,即使在澳大利亚这样的国家,性别收入差距也存在,因为统计数据证明了这一点(Blau, 1996)。当一个定义了性别工资差距,可以说,它是收益之间的差异的一个男人为一个女人一个星期,这是两个性别的平均周薪,以及它们之间的区别这一差距是由澳大利亚统计局计算。从女性开始与男性平等工作开始,这种现象就一直存在于上述国家(Blau, 1996)。澳大利亚有一个机构,旨在弥合两性收入不平等之间的差距,但目前即使是这个机构似乎也认识到这一差距,但却无能为力。有报道称,“……女性继续比男性挣得少,不太可能像男性那样事业有成,更有可能在贫困中度过最后几年。”“此外,该组织还说:“需要64多天的工作(每年)对普通女人等于什么男人挣…”(克劳蒂尔在,2006)因此需要理解的是,有一个妇女的收入之间的收入差距在澳大利亚和澳大利亚男子earningsin。

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距
虽然已经明确指出,女性薪酬低于男性的唯一原因是,尽管她们拥有相同的资质和技能,但她们属于“弱势性别”,但这种薪酬差距背后还有其他原因。据统计,2010年澳大利亚女性约占总人口的50.2%,约占全国劳动力的45.35。也可以看出,这个国家的女性受教育程度远远高于男性(Lemel and Noll, 2002)。尽管存在这些事实,但人们认为,尽管存在国际劳工组织1951年的《同酬公约》和1958年的《妇女比率(修正案)法》等组织,2010年本身的性别薪酬差距最大,约为32.2%。除了性别偏见,下面很少讨论其他原因——主要的也是最重要的原因是之前提到和讨论过的性别偏见。存在这种性别薪酬差距的另一个原因是,具有同等学历和技能的女性的工作和能力与男性相比。妇女及其工作不应与男性同行相比较,因为这在某种程度上低估了妇女所做的工作。刻板印象是另一个原因,尽管有这么多的立法和成文法,女性在相同的工作中得到更少的报酬,而男性得到更多的报酬(Lorber, 1994)。

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距

It is a known fact that there is gender discrimination in each sphere and sector around the world. Though the world has progressed and many organizations have been fighting for the equal rights of women, it has been evidently noticed that the gender pay gap exists even in countries like Australia where statistics prove the given point (Blau, 1996). When one has to define the gender pay gap, it can be said that it is the difference between the earnings of a man to the earnings of a woman in a week, which is the average weekly earnings of the two genders, and the difference between them is that gap as calculated by Australian Bureau of Statistics. It is something that has been persistent in the said country from the time when women actually started working at par with men (Blau, 1996).Australia has an agency which is supposed to bridge the gap between the inequalities of income between the two genders, but currently even this organization seems to recognize the gap yet cannot do much about it. It has been quoted “…women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men, and are more likely to spend their final years in poverty.” Furthermore, this organization has also said “it takes 64 extra days of work [per year] for the average woman to equal what a man earns…” (Cloutier, 2006)Thus what needs to be understood is that there is an income gap between the women’s earnings in Australia and the men’s earningsin Australia.

留学 论文代写:澳洲男女收入差距
Though it is has been explicitly pointed out that the only reason why women get paid less than the men is that they belong to the “weaker sex” despite of having the same qualification and skills, there are also other reasons which lay behind this kind of a pay gap. Statistics were collected which showed that in 2010 the females of Australia represented about 50.2 % of the whole population and about 45.35 of the workforce of the country. It was also seen that the females of the country were far more educated than their male counterparts (Lemel and Noll, 2002). Despite of these facts, it was seen that the widest gender pay gap was noticed in 2010 itself which was about 32.2% in spite of existence of organizations like International Labour Organization’s Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 and Female Rates (Amendment) Act, 1958. Few of the reasons other than the gender bias have been discussed below-The main and the most important reason is the gender bias which has been mentioned and discussed before.Another reason why such gender pay gap exists is that the work and competencies of the women with the same degree and skills are compared to their male counterparts. Women and their work should not be compared to the male counterparts, as this in a way undervalues the work done by the women.Stereotype is another reason why despite of so many legislations and statutory laws, women are paid less in the same kind of jobs where men are paid more (Lorber, 1994).