
留学 论文代写:女性在英雄主义中的作用

留学 论文代写:女性在英雄主义中的作用

《千面英雄》(the Hero with the Thousand Faces)等文学资料指出,英雄故事的剧本是如何形成的。这本书突出了用来描述英雄传统属性的模式,也帮助了许多电影制作人,如乔治卢卡斯和弗朗西斯科波拉创造了视觉杰作(Pahlke, Hyde & Allison, 2014)。下面上下文分析中提供的例子来自于书中的概念。实际上,英雄的概念或描述英雄所遵循的模式被表示为“英雄神话”。英雄神话为建立一个故事提供了基础。有关英雄主义的定义和英雄所期望的品质的问题在英雄神话中进行了调整,以便创造一个单独的故事。此外,像《神奇女侠前传》这样的书也强调了女性在英雄主义中的作用。英雄主义是一种心理或行为属性,因此,没有具体的议程或社会分类表明只有特定的性别、种族或阶级才能表现出英雄主义。因此,英雄主义被视为一门研究领域更广的学科。
苏菲是一个和父母住在加利福尼亚的女孩。生活的进步并没有像其他青少年那样影响到她。苏菲是一个内向的人,所以在大学和社会上没有太多的朋友。然而,这并没有让她远离做自己。苏菲的成长过程有点艰难,她的父母在分居前打了四年的离婚官司。她的祖母曾经给她讲过天使和上帝的故事,上帝住在天堂,当她最需要他们的时候,他会回应她的祈祷(Rudestam & Newton, 2014)。她试图向上帝和天使祈祷,希望他们能让她的父母永远在一起。通过命运的转折,她的父母友善地解决了他们之间的冲突,给他们的关系带来了新的开始。这件事坚定了苏菲对上帝的信仰,使她走上了一条帮助有需要的人的正义之路。虽然苏菲不喜欢漫画书中超级英雄的力量,但她有能力表达对他人的同情,总是准备采取第一个主动。下面提到的一件使她成为英雄的事件。

留学 论文代写:女性在英雄主义中的作用

Literary sources like the book ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ point out to the formation of script for a hero’s story. The book highlighted the pattern used to describe the traditional attributes of a hero and has also helped many filmmakers such as George Lucas and Francis Coppola to create visual masterpieces (Pahlke, Hyde & Allison, 2014). The examples provided in the contextual analysis below are derived from the concepts in the book. Actually the concept of hero or the pattern followed in describing the hero is represented as ‘The Hero Myth’. The hero myth offers a foundation to build up a story. The questions related to definition of heroism and qualities desired from a hero are adjusted within the hero myth in order to create an individual story. Furthermore books like ‘The Wonder Woman Precedent’ have also emphasized on the role of women in heroism. Heroism is a psychological or behavioural attribute and hence there is no specific agenda or classification of society which states that only a particular gender, race or class can exhibit heroism. Hence heroism is treated as a discipline with a wider domain for research.
Sophie is a girl living in California with her parents. The strides of life haven’t affected her as every other teenager. Sophie is an introvert and hence doesn’t have too many friends in college as well as the society. However, this hasn’t kept her far away from trying to be herself. Sophie’s upbringing was kind of tough with her parents engaged in a divorce battle for 4 years before separation. Her grandmother used to tell her stories of angels and god residing in heaven who will answer her prayers when she needed them the most (Rudestam & Newton, 2014). She tried to pray to god and angels for keeping her mother and father united and by a twist of fate, her parents resolved their conflict amiably and gave a fresh start to their relationship. This incident strengthened the belief of Sophie in god and thus set her on a righteous path of helping people in need. Though Sophie doesn’t enjoy the powers of comic book superhero, she has the capability to express compassion for others and is always ready to take the first initiative. One such incident which made her a hero is mentioned below.