


To develop the Solvay branding to be positive, Solvay has to create technology and social media to communicate with the employer brands. There are integrated efforts and synchronization of the social media channels that are used for the reflection of the progressive culture of the company. In this process of employer branding, the company can miss out on certain basic tenets. These tenets are found to be dynamic. They change based on the externalities of the situation. They are used for the creation of white spaces and enabled in the gap analysis. The skills of the existing employees and the turning of the digital content are used for the dissemination of the news to the masses.

The recruitment contract is the process where the company is able to meet the demands of the situation and identify the appropriate person for the job. This is the reason for them to consider the internal employees. They are aware of the basic culture that is needed for the substance of the job. The external candidates are selected based on how they are closely aligned to the culture of the company.On an average, it is assumed that businesses would spend around 5,433 Euros on logical structuring of the interview. These are logistical costs. Hiring of temporary worker before the replacement will be anywhere from 3,618 Euros and management time for interview could cost around 767 Euros and using a recruitment agency can cost some extras based on the form of agency, their years of experience, the form of tools and technologies they use of recruitment etc.

The social media is used as the main portal for the developing of these brands. Solvay needs to use newer media to address the needs of the broad audiences. There must be clear branding messages that are needed for the recruitment process. In this schema, finally, there is the creation of the company culture . The appropriate culture is developed to meet the external requirements of the situation. Solvay needs to have a strong culture to build a brand. The company that does not focus on the employee culture cannot sustain in the current dynamics and hence it is necessary for Solvay to present its work culture, its culture of safety and more in an efficient manner. These are some of the ways in which Solvay can try to develop their brand image to the relevant stakeholders which are the potential new recruits for the company.

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